"Curmudgeon Emeritus"
Relationship Philosophy:
Happily married since the Reagan Administration.
First of all, excellent find. Prime WAATGM material right there.
However, we need to fix some things.
1) judging by your post at reddit and how it displays the image hosted here, at your post on the WAATGM tribe on trp.red, rather than a link to a post at the WAATGM forum at forums.red as required by this announcement here, it seems you misunderstood the posting requirements. Apologies if it was confusing/unclear.
2) while you censored her face just fine and most of her personal info just fine, there's a small part of her name visible near the little green heart. Additionally, as per this announcement here, which was also crossposted to reddit here, the text content of screenshots need to have portions that make it relevant to WAATGM underlined, circled, or otherwise highlighted to get around copyright restrictions (Fair Use - commentary).
Since this is probably a bit of a pain in the ass and learning curve for you, I modified the screenshot for you. Please download and post to the WAATGM forum, and crosspost the link for that post to the subreddit.
Please also take down the one you currently have at reddit, or if one of my fellow WAATGM mods who still has reddit access sees this before OP does, would one of you please remove it at reddit.
CC: @moorekom, @lurkerhasarisen, @houseoftolstoy, @woodsmoke, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @Kevin32
Read More@lurkerhasarisen I was too distracted by her bouncing titties
Ah… okay. Well it turns out that I have the answer: anything the government “buys” is free because the government is the entity that creates money ex nihilo.
Geez… AOC explained that on MSNBC, and she has a degree in economics, so it must be true. How do you guys not know that?
@lurkerhasarisen his streamable.com video showed some naval weapons being fired and the associated price increase per burst
I haven’t been active for a while because of hobbies, craziness and, obligations, but I popped in and saw that you tagged me.
What are we talking about here?
Seeing a pic of your leg made me realize that…
Anyway, sorry about your episode. I used to have a bike, and I rode a lot, myself. I always wore full gear, and I almost always stayed in town where the top speed limit was 45. I was a very defensive driver, and I always rode with the attitude that I was invisible, and/or that anyone who saw me wanted to kill me.
The possibility of being killed or maimed outweighed the fun I derived from riding, though, so I traded in my bike when it was time to replace my car.
Get we’ll soon, brother.
1) I was Army, not Navy.
2) other than the 50-cal, those are not weapons with which I have any hands-on experience.
3) I was a grunt and then a low-level officer, and so I was not involved with budgeting or purchasing weapons or ammo.
However, I would not be slightly surprised that those are accurate.
Tagging @lurkerhasarisen because he's a lot more likely to know than anyone else on here
As I understand it, in the original “Peter Pan,” all it took to fly was the belief that one could fly. After a bunch of kids died from falling off tall things the writers added the additional requirement of fairy dust.
Since fairy dust is unobtainable by virtue of its being fictional, kids stopped jumping off roofs trying to fly like Peter.
When you have a heroine like Wonder Woman or Supergirl, the powers derive from a fictional source, so we are knowingly suspending disbelief. Nobody believes that people can fly or stop bullets with bracelets.
Characters like those played by Charles Bronson, Danny Trejo, and Keanu Reaves are different because they’re supposedly like us, only tougher / ballsier / better equipped / better trained. Sure… we have to suspend some disbelief, but there’s an element of plausibility that’s absent from stories about people with superpowers.
There’s not a single shot that John Wick made that would be impossible for a real person to make. Could anyone do it 15,000 times in a row? Obviously not, but each shot is possible in real life.
The problem is that girls and women are told that they’re just as capable as men are, and many of them retain that childlike lack of understanding that they’re consuming fiction… even into adulthood. Some of them end up doing the equivalent of jumping off roofs trying to fly like kids used to do.
With the prevalence of fairy dust in Disney media, I honestly wouldn't be surprised Walt Disney's the most significant influence on Peter Pan outside of the author Jamie Barrie himself. On my end, I only have old UK copies of the short story collection which make mention of birds and fairies, but there's absolutely no mention of fairy dust until Peter Pan and Wendy which there's not many mentions. I do have to note that I've no copies of the early play-scripts, and the copies of Peter Pan and Wendy I have were US editions printed well after they entered the US public domain, but it's probably that the Peter Pan character was in part based off of the writers late older brother who died from a fall when they were children that might be what you're remembering.
However, the real problem is that you made the conscious choice to not become a father. Being a presumably well adjusted man privy to the things you know, your paternal instincts manifested themselves despite your disabled reproductive system. While your observation of these films influencing the naive and stupid is not one I disagree with, it doesn't change my previous comment that it's silly to complain about unrealistic depictions of violence in movies. Better to give attention to what you do like instead. Speaking of, 47 days left to go on the kickstarter for Hypergamouse volume 1, so get in there. I bet your nieces and nephews will love that soft red pill their uncle secretly slips under their blue pill parents radar this Christmas.
Back on topic, if there's no alternative media you can promote, then either look for it yourself on the various media points like youtube, bitchute, or on the crowdfunding sites like Fundmycomic, kickstarter, indiegogo, and others. Or consider investing your time and energy learning how to make you own. For example, Jewish B-movie producer, Lloyd Kaufman, of Troma Entertainment, most well known for The Toxic Avenger films has a series of make 'your own damn' books covering various topics related to filmmaking. Hell, even reading those 'complete idiots guides to', or 'dummies guide to' books is a better idea than complaining.
cc: @SwarmShawarma
Read MoreAs I understand it, in the original “Peter Pan,” all it took to fly was the belief that one could fly. After a bunch of kids died from falling off tall things the writers added the additional requirement of fairy dust.
Since fairy dust is unobtainable by virtue of its being fictional, kids stopped jumping off roofs trying to fly like Peter.
When you have a heroine like Wonder Woman or Supergirl, the powers derive from a fictional source, so we are knowingly suspending disbelief. Nobody believes that people can fly or stop bullets with bracelets.
Characters like those played by Charles Bronson, Danny Trejo, and Keanu Reaves are different because they’re supposedly like us, only tougher / ballsier / better equipped / better trained. Sure… we have to suspend some disbelief, but there’s an element of plausibility that’s absent from stories about people with superpowers.
There’s not a single shot that John Wick made that would be impossible for a real person to make. Could anyone do it 15,000 times in a row? Obviously not, but each shot is possible in real life.
The problem is that girls and women are told that they’re just as capable as men are, and many of them retain that childlike lack of understanding that they’re consuming fiction… even into adulthood. Some of them end up doing the equivalent of jumping off roofs trying to fly like kids used to do.
Read More@lurkerhasarisen and they just could invent an Amazon City island state and present it in a more belivable way: women fighting only women, wearing next to nothing, scissoring in the background, maybe even giving shelter (and octagonsome) to Wick for being a mentor.
Kind of what was done in Sin City and topped up with Machete film.
While part of me is curious if I somehow missed out by not seeing the recent Wonder Woman movies, I think it's kind of silly to complain about unrealistic depictions of violence in movies, of all things. If some idiot watches that stuff, gets emboldened to try and emulate it to their folly, then it only confirms they were retarded to begin with and helps thin the herd. However, I find it more interesting that Keanu Reeves is still doing action flicks going into his sixties. Is he Gen X's successor to Liam Neeson, like when Liam Neeson became the Boomer Gen successor to Charles Bronson?
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Happily married since the Reagan Administration.