11mo ago  The Hub

@destraht why him?

11mo ago  The Hub

@destraht Ya know I don't even refer to her beauty, but if he wants to share 50 % of whatever she can grab then I will only get 1% of that to find him best coaches

11mo ago  5th Generation War


11mo ago  The Hub

@destraht that is new Bezos fiancée btw

11mo ago  5th Generation War

@Lionsmane8 my text comment got eaten by spam filer? fuck

From all that I will repeat only one thung, question.

If you think Russia holds back its power, what in your opinion holds them back that they rather sacrifice thousands of their own men, own economy, rather than pull it out and take/destroy as much land as they want and call it a day. After all if you level several towns you could do the same in shorter time, with less own casualties and Ukraine would still be back to middle ages if that was their point.

11mo ago  5th Generation War

@Lionsmane8 some stats

11mo ago  The Hub

Richest people on earth and there is no one on earth to tell them to get RP counselling: Deep, Bezos...?

11mo ago  The Hub

@Saucegod "I need helb" explained, Rian Stone

www veed io/view/e9a7074e-7167-4758-949f-19a2993baf4d

pretty aggressive this link spam filter


11mo ago  5th Generation War


Not enough money

I don't know why you say [so not saying its true or not] there is no money, but if whole Europe doesn't have it then who has?

No inventory for short term crisis

I don't have info what is inventory, but if I approach it from other side. Who likely can attack Europe.

  • If threat comes from Africa only coalition of few countries could make difference
  • Russia - unless they have secret stash they can't
  • Turkey - maybe with many Turkish already in Europe, but they wouldn't go past Balkans
  • US could do and they already have army dotted around Europe and if one like conspiracy theories then Germany's politicians are in US pocket since end of war. But they are too far for logistics.

Best, out of this options would be combination of 2.

There are much easier targets for each of these countries then going to war with Europe.

Europe-EU invade themselves with migrants that do not give a shit about Europe and they will blow up before any other country will attack. But there still is not enough foreigners to do more that cause big disruptions.

Demoralized, pussified population

Like most/all 1st world

No joint european defense alliance

There was to many wars in Europe that finished recently I wouldn't expect suddenly Germany/France/UK trust each other that much if it comes to military. Much more worrying is they can't even get one position toward illegal migration.

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11mo ago  5th Generation War


So yeah, Europe won't fight anybody for the coming century.

I'm not saying Europe will be given a choice, they will be put in a situation.

I would like someone who follows technology to play devils advocate and draw the best scenario in which defence/offence will be possible on electrified continent [except nuclear blanket].

Oh did I forget to mention that Europe is bankrupt too?

any reading about, from investment side of things

They hollowed out their industrial base, donated most of their inventory to Ukraine

I don't think it is any problem short term. That equipment is actually used and against possibly the biggest threat anyway bleeding their economy and human resources, some older generations of weaponry is handed over, incentivising updating own stock. Newer stock is being used so it is being tested in real conditions. I'm not a military expert but I remember reading about US equipment braking down, being used in desert.

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