4y ago  TRP London

@iostream Indeed it is sad. I have just joined. I know there are some good martial arts places in London, lets you socialise with both sexes and develops a good skill.

4y ago  teenagers

@lrd I feel the exact same as you. I think my issue is that I'm too nice. Once I 'dated' a girl for 3 months but I never made it back to her apartment ever because I was too scared to make any sort of escalation. I feel like I always need to wait for the perfect moment which never occurs, even in clubs. I find it easier if its in parties and we're both a bit drunk but I always fear if I escalate at the wrong time i'll be labelled as a creep,

4y ago  Ask TRP

@MentORPHEUS Just read through that post of yours. Blown my mind. Will try on a new tinder again but this time invest energy into the best rather than a little bit into everyone for a numbers game. You mentioned you rejected the 'good boy' programming your mum taught you in your 20s, but I was wondering how long did it take for you to really internalise a legit alpha abundance mentality? I've been reading TRP for a while now and I do understand some concepts but I still feel I've got so much farther to go in a lot of ways, specifically to kill my nice guy mentality.

4y ago  Ask TRP
Senior Endorsed

@Shortbull In a way, the sexual marketplace is demonstrating your spot sexual market value by the hottest women you can land.

The thing about plates is, you can rank them by pure private sex value, not necessarily arm candy value. Some of the hottest plate relationships I've enjoyed may not have been conventionally attractive, but I leveraged the SMV difference in my favor.

The trick is to not get stuck in a rut of low level satiation, but use a base level of sexual fulfillment as a foundation for true abundance mentality and ladder up the SMV scale. Your interactions with higher SMV women will be different than with a thirsty mentality.

Critics might see this as a call to be exploitative and manipulative, but it's entirely possible to structure and run parallel and successive relationship tracks in an ethical and mutually beneficial win-win manner.


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4y ago  Ask TRP

@MentORPHEUS I get that, I think I'll have to try again, is it possible to have to low standards though?

4y ago  Ask TRP
Senior Endorsed

@Shortbull "there are many decent girls I've matched with and spoken to, but I lose interest in some of them as they are boring or not as attractive as previously thought, and those I scheduled dates with, flaked. I end up just using them to improve my openers and game but not any physical skills like escalation"

Assuming "I lose interest" isn't a euphemism for "Can't get anyone to sleep with me," stock TRP advice is to get at least 2 plates into regular rotation from all these recruits so you're approaching new and better prospects with a non-thirsty mindset.

4y ago  Ask TRP

Hey guys long post but just asking for some advice. I've been on TRP since 2017 and in 2017 I had my first GF at 18. In school I just kept my head down and worked and I didn't really give a shit about girls or relationships as I thought they were petty at that age, and all the girls I wanted to get with were way out of my league. In my final year of school (age 15 perhaps, I cringe even today about this) I got into an LDR with some Russian chick. I won't get into the hows but anyway it went on for like 8 months and it is what actually led to me to TRP.

Around that time I joined a new school and I witnessed the concepts in real life as I read about them. Anyway, made out with some girls, got a GF, got laid, got rid of her after a few months after too many red flags and because she was a drain and then I started uni. Uni comes, didn't get any 'action' during freshers in any clubs until later into the year from a friend of a friend but she never let me go to her place (and I live far from uni where trains stop at midnight and reopen at 6, so I don't go out much and I can't bring a chick back on an hour's train journey to my parents house). Plus I had stopped reading TRP, made loads of blue pill mistakes with this girl, stopped the gym and got complacent. Since, I have had nothing.

My friends take the piss out of me for being single by saying things like "if I was single in uni, I wonder how many of these girls I'd be fucking", "she wants to fuck me so bad, if I didn't have a GF I would, why don't you get on her?" or "you need to get back in the game" and I just think shit I am fucking trying lol. I'm halfway through second year and haven't had sex in 18 months. So, instead of chasing tail and failing, I've just changed my goal to sorting my life out - I've opened a business with two others and have been laying foundations since - we are launching in January. I started BJJ and have been training a year soon, am learning different languages and I am studying loads as I sucked last year with my exams. I have been training in the gym again for the last six months, mainly power lifting for bjj so I haven't really put on much size but I am bigger than where I used to be.

I wouldn't say I'm awful looking, I'm 5'8, 140 lbs at maybe 12% bodyfat so I am kinda small but I do have some muscle however I don't have much mass. I have tried talking to girls on my course but I don't want to shit where I eat by cold approaching every nice looking girl I see at uni. I am using the New Year to completely quit porn as I believe that has been detrimental for me in regards to talking to girls as it stops the IDGAF approach mentality. I do have a social life but I don't go out lots as I don't like to fuck with my training (I train bjj around 3/5x a week and the gym 3/4x). I also don't believe the age group of girls which I aim to speak to (18-20, I am 20 and look young for my age) have any desire to actually meet guys in clubs or nights out but rather they go for validation. I've tried dating apps like tinder, bumble and okcupid to find non-party girls but I lose the motivation for talking to them as so many they seem like they have 0 mission in life and just suck from society. Don't get me wrong, there are many decent girls I've matched with and spoken to, but I lose interest in some of them as they are boring or not as attractive as previously thought, and those I scheduled dates with, flaked. I end up just using them to improve my openers and game but not any physical skills like escalation or verbal game.

Anyway, the point of this post, is that I am completely through with my bullshit where I don't try. I will be improving every facet of my life but I don't know how. I am restructuring my gym program for size and strength and eating more, I am creating a source of income. I am learning new languages, read books about stocks, training judo, bjj, muay thai, but I don't know what else there is to do for me to improve, as to both my own value and my SMV. I don't want to miss out on the abundance of girls in college. I do have some good verbal cocky/funny game but for me it works best in house parties with less competition and it allows you to slowly graft as the night progresses, however there are no house parties at uni, and the social circles I have which do host parties, all the girls are girlfriends of my mates or are not great looking.

I get I sound a bit whingey but I legit have no idea what else to do. I feel as though I have tried everything. I'm re reading the Rational Male too to get my head in the game. Any help or advice would be sincerely appreciated. Do I quite being a bitch? Was anyone else like this?

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