2y ago  The Hub

@Kenrow Nice humblebrag

2y ago  The Hub

Anyone ever read r/deadbedroom and want to choke someone back to reality through your phone screen!?

1 1
2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss deuces brotha

2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss Thanks, that'll do!

2y ago  The Hub

Any way to get a sidebar going here? Would make it much easier to point people in the right direction. Or is it only the pinned curated collection?

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2y ago  The Hub
2y ago  The Hub

Bitches love aloof.

1 1
2y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool I'm in my mid 30's but just can't get to the point of ball constraint. Sucks to have the saggy sack of an 80 year old....but does make a pleasurable smacking sound against the girl under me.

2y ago  The Hub

@YourOwnDisaster If I could tell younger me one thing- it would be to wear more supportive underwear. In my old age, the ball sitting is a real problem.

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2y ago  The Hub

I've sat on my balls thrice in my adult life. It's a rarity for sure, but doesn't lessen the pain. I've realized that it's on a quick downswing of my bag as I throw myself into a chair, catching it under my ass and my full bodyweight crushing down on them. Wearing boxer shorts surely doesn't help.

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