@potatofriedbbq It's coming. The dems are using the fact that Trump is so hated to shoehorn into power people who couldn't normally get elected. They got greedy in 2016 and tried to elevate Clinton when she'd have been completely unelectable against anyone else. This time, Biden is a pinch more electable, but he's not their goal. Harris is giddily waiting in the wings while they measure Biden for his coffin. And this 25th Amendment specter Pelosi is raising isn't about attacking Trump next term. It's about Biden. Removing Biden in favor of Harris, who then picks an extremist like Pelosi (or maybe Bernie or Warren or AOC) as her VP. Meanwhile, they add 30 people to the Supreme Court, all hardcore party-line progressives, ride what they think will be a congressional takeover next month, and rule the nation forever more. That's their idea, anyway.
Read More@INNASKILLZ2K20 @INNASKILLZ2K20 Posts like that are great bait for weeding out autists and Red Pill pretenders.
@Osiris This is a pretty common tactic. If you say that racism isn't that bad, or that something isn't racist, or that something being called racist was made up, you're a racist. If you believe that a woman lying about the circumstances surrounding a sexual encounter is something that is even possible, you're a rape apologist. The very idea that in some cases, a claim might be false, is considered an attack on the entire movement.
When someone calls you an anti-semite, it is completely unacceptable to say "No I'm not you're mistaken". You are only allowed to say "I'm sorry. I will quit my job and leave my political office immediately. And here, have some money ."
@JamesSkepp The idea is that because white people have "power", and non-white people do not, only white people can be racist, while anti-white positions can not be racist and in many cases are actually just.
Interestingly, white people do not have the power to say or do whatever they want. They face serious consequences for it. There is an unassailable group of people and you will face severe consequences if you speak against those people. Meanwhile, the unassailable group of people can say or do as it pleases. The unassailable group can shoot firearms at police officers, and if the police shoot back they lose their jobs.
There is a privileged class of unassailable people in our country, and it is illegal to speak against them. You will face serious consequences if you cross them. And that privileged class of unassailable people isn't the white people.
Read More@tchower It's no joke. If Trump pulls it off, there will be months of riots and cities will be on fire.
Frankly, I don't know how this happens. Just for being a Democrat, you automatically start out with an over 50-point lead in the electoral college. Automatically, without even having to be worth a damn or spend a cent campaigning.
The fact that they ever lose with that kind of built-in advantage is really a testimonial to how much the left sucks ass.
@tchower It's win-win for the radical progressives. If Trump wins, that's their hook to burn shit to the ground and overthrow the government. If weak-ass Biden wins, that's their hook to take over his administration with radicals. If he won't be their puppet, they can still do the burn shit to the grown and overthrow method.
@tchower A long time ago, some white guys put a bunch of black guys on boats and brought them to America. The white guys sat around inside getting fat and lazy while the black guys got big and strong plowing fields. The white guys got plump eating starchy turnips while giving the nutritious turnip greens they'd usually feed to the cows to their slaves. And now they're taller and better than we are at basketball. Karma, man.
@JukeboxPimp A confusing thing for some guys is that sometimes, ugly losers get dates, sex and romance. And sometimes, a hot, muscular, successful guy with good game gets turned down by a fat chick. Human behavior isn't the laws of physics. There aren't firm and unbreakable rules. Strange things happen all the time.
But ultimately, the best sexual strategy isn't about memorizing a bunch of rules. It's about giving yourself the best possible chance to maximize your sexual outcomes. And sitting around being an ugly loser and hoping you're the occasional lucky guy who gets a wife and family anyway is not a good strategy for maximizing your chances. It could happen, but waiting around for that outcome is a lot less likely to get you laid than having a gym habit and the social skills necessary to game women.
Read More@JamesSkepp At first I thought it was just denial. The far left couldn't believe that if you step outside of California, New York, and Illinois, a huge portion of the country is actually conservative. But it's not denial. They already know that. What's important to them is that YOU don't know that. They want the anybody who's not one of them to feel like a marginalized fringe minority so they keep their mouths shut. You won't organize with your neighbors if you're afraid that you're the only one who thinks the way you do and can't open your mouth for fear of consequences.
@theredtriangle Some men are unfuckable. They are so facially ugly that they're practically deformed, comically short (not just under 6-foot, but stupidly short), or have social weirdnesses that border on mental illness and it's obvious when you talk to them that something is wrong with them. Or combinations of these things. There is no amount of working out or learning game that is going to help these guys. Their best bet is to just leave women alone because women don't want to be bothered by these guys, and it'll just result in them getting depressed.
Some men are ugly. But if they work out, eat right, become socially fun to be around, and learn game, they can have sex lives. They will not be bedding hot 9/10 women. They will be bedding average 4-6s, maybe the occasional 7. And they won't be going home with a different girl every weekend, more like once a month. And this will only happen if they do the work.
Most men are average. But if they work out, eat right, have good social skills, and their game is tight, that bumps them into the above-average category. This is where The Red Pill shines and where doors just blow open for guys. The leap in results from average to just a little above average is huge. These guys can have fairly normal casual sex lives with slutty girls. They'll still have dry spells and struggle with the hottest women, but that's normal.
Some men are above average. If they work out and have good social skills, they can be way above average. These are the guys who can have extreme casual sex lives, where they reliably go home with someone every time they go out and women climb over each other for a turn at him.
If you are an unfuckable, The Red Pill won't work at all for you. If you are legit ugly or legit socially weird but not completely unfuckable, you'll find The Red Pill to be a lot of work for difficult and sparse results, but it's still better than nothing. If you're average or better, The Red Pill is amazing.
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