2y ago  The Dark Winter

@TiberiusBravo87 Spam gets a bad rap. During the initial Covid panic-shopping, it was hilarious to walk the grocery store and see shelves cleaned out. Except for spam. Every canned meat except spam. And except for organic name-brand stuff that costs twice as much. Selective panic-shopping.

2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@redpillschool ADA is a bit of a wild card. My guess is more than 5, less than 10, but the ADA fan army could be surprising. Or underwhelming.

But big picture ADA did most of its pump back when it was 30 cents going to over a dollar. It's not going to moon 10x from here or anything like that. Market cap is too big for that. But it should go up when the rest of the big-cap alts go up.

2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@arakouzo Do you think ADA is at a checkout price?

2y ago  The Dark Winter

@destraht Do you think electricity will be an issue? Is a chest freezer a no-go, stick with cans?

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2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@Guy That's tough. Maybe 2k BTC, 1k ETH/AVAX/SOL/DOT - whichever you believe in most, 1k in a slightly longer shot like maybe Matic or Enjin, and the rest in some low-cap NFT or gaming crypto. I kind of like Star Atlas, but there are a bunch that look cool.

2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@TiberiusBravo87 It's buying time. Alts may dip a little more as BTC continues to pump, but decent alts are likely to pump once BTC levels off. So take that with a grain of salt. Any alts you buy today may dip a bit first. BTC is likely to keep going up to at least 80k (some say 120k, some 220k, some 350k) if you like safer plays.

I think right at this minute, buying crypto is better than yield farming. Making 50% APY over the course of a year is nice when crypto is stagnant, but if you can just buy and hold bitcoin for a couple of months and make 2x, or potentially even more on alts, that will outperform yield farming.

Once the bear market dust settles and we see which yield pools stick around and how much interest BlockFi and Celsius are paying on the bitcoin we keep, it's time to make some yields and DCA into down crypto during the bear market.

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2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@arakouzo found this chart which supports the 'Alts pump after BTC'

2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@arakouzo Looking forward to the Coinbase NFT marketplace. should onboard lots of basic crypto $$ into NFTs. Might be a catalyst for a crypto-wide pump.

2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@redpillschool Alts traditionally pump after BTC pumps, levels off, and maybe goes down a bit. ADA's market cap is a little big for it to moon 10x when that happens, but it's probably got another 2-3x in it before the bull market's over.

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2y ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed If you think women control everything or have power, you need to pay more attention. But yes, it is a very privileged lifestyle.

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