4y ago  The Hub

@dropkickPUA Sometimes, you take the L. You shouldn't feel crushed because some 120# half nekkid (mostly) hairless primate turned you down. There are plenty of other women in the world.

4y ago  The Hub

I shouldn't be mad. I'm mad at myself more than anything and that's why I'm lifting right now, because it's the only thing I can do to improve myself.

So there's this girl I fancy. Let's call her Stacy. Yoga instructor, 9/10. Then there's Chad. He's actually a great guy. Natural alpha if there ever was one; charismatic, likeable, extroverted and hella fit. I met him a year ago in yoga. We hang out every now and then, I think of him like a brother even though I don't see him that often.

I've been chatting up Stacy after yoga lately and last time I saw her, I pulled the trigger and asked her out to dinner. She was busy, staff meeting, it sounded plausible. I didn't want to seem need and push it or try to offer another date, I just said "Maybe some other time."

Come tonight and she's in yoga. I'd been listening to Book of Pook on audio and was really feeling myself; I was going to talk to Stacy and be myself: confident and sexual.

Ran into traffic. I was late and almost missed the class. Snuck into class as it was starting. No biggie, but I feel it did throw off my groove a little as I'm usually early.

After class, I see Chad. We chat, and we're talking about a jam session a mutual friend is having tomorrow. Eventually the class thins out as people leave and I realize he's trying to stay after to talk to Stacy too. Okay.

I was planning on hitting on her and maybe asking her out again. Chad, the beautiful mother fucker dominates the conversation, invites her to the party tomorrow, blows through her excuse not having a car by offering to drive her on his moped ("I'll even let you drive!"), gets her number and hugs her goodbye.

All while I'm standing there awkwardly feeling crushed. I know she's not mine-- hell, I got soft rejected when I asked her out. Still it hurt to see my good buddy ask her out so smoothly. It just... hurts.

I'm still gonna see him tomorrow probably when we rockclimb before the party, so maybe I'll talk to him then. Maybe I'll see Stacy at the party too and I can try to game her then. Worst case, there's a backup Halloween party with a bunch of hoes, I'll just dip and go to that instead.

In the meantime, imma keep lifting.

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4y ago  The Hub

FUCK! I'm furious right now. I'm gonna punch the heavy weight bag. I'll write up a mini field report soon

4y ago  TheRedPill
Endorsed Contributor

@dropkickPUA Good man, you change and improve by DOING, not only reading or thinking.

4y ago  TheRedPill

My first being: no one cares about your opinion unless it or you provides any value

4y ago  TheRedPill

I'm gonna be honest, as a lurker, I never really make posts or comment on threads. However, I think this is because I haven't really found my voice, nor do I ever feel strongly enough about something to put out my opinion on it. I tell myself that it's because I'm humble and am always open to reevaluating my views, but I wonder if it's really remnants of my blue pill conditioning. I'm going to practice voicing my opinions more often here

4y ago  Stoicism

@TacticalNuke nice, I've done this exercise myself and found that my perfect day would start with surfing and generally enjoying my time outside and in the sun and then working indoors until night life working on game. These are part of my long term goals

4y ago  TheRedPill

@dropkickPUA and keep in mind this is just the beginning. The forums are yet to come.

4y ago  TheRedPill

Alright, long time lurker on reddit here. I think I'm finally going to try and contribute to trp on this platform. I've finally swallowed the pill (started lifting seriously for the first time in my life) so I still have a long way to go

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