Single mom had her fun hooking up and now wants a relationship.
(Video) One of the worst pranks to pull in a climate of male loneliness is a girl who pretends to like a guy. She goes home to a relationship and laughs while dudes walk away literally empty-handed.
Stripper mom wants a stay-at-home dad while she "makes money" at the club. You don't think strippers only dance do you?
Her church must be proud of her.
"If you can't pay for my outfit, shoes, nails, toes, wax, lashes, hair, AND A DATE, then you have nothing to offer me and my precious daughter."
Straight to the point Bailout with no mention of anything of value in return.
Her proudest accomplishment.
Pregnant mom is now ready for her wifey duties.
(Video) Single mom leaves the room in tears after learning how low value and risky she is to wealthy men.
"I expect to be engaged within 6-12 months", says the overweight, near 40, stay-at-home mom.