1y ago  The Hub

Oh my God, I am in so much pain right now. Went out with a girl... We've been friends for a long time. But we've always been kind of more than friends, there was kissing, blowjobs, etc. But this was 2+ years ago, not much sexual happened in a while. She's quite promiscuous. Always has several guys she's seeing, at the same time. I don't mind this. I am interested in getting sexual experience, not in a serious relationship.

Anyway, we were hanging out today. The vibe seemed good throughout. When I started being more physical with friendly touches, she didn't recoil / move away and she actually started doing some touches back. I thought okay cool, let's go for a kiss, but she rejected it.

I cannot even begin to describe the pain I am in right now. This all happened 30 minutes ago, I followed her to the bus station afterwards and she left. Hugged me and said that "I'm her friend", that I'm "handsome and could have any girl I want".

I can't believe this. She'd fuck anything that breathes yet I get friend zoned or whatever this is. I'm dying. This literally feels like death. The pain is unbearable. I'm cringing at my existence. I just feel like kicking myself in the face.


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1y ago  The Hub

@fumbor There are no rules and shoulds in life, you can do whatever you want. There are simply actions and consequences. The actions that you describe will likely lead to a few ego highs but also lost opportunities with other women, emotional wounds that make your subsequent relationships worse, and wasted time that could be spent on other areas of your life.

1y ago  The Hub

@fumbor Remove her from your brain. It's bad for you. No drama, that will just keep her in your brain longer.

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1y ago  The Hub

When you have a case of Oneitis, there is nothing that can be said to help you, just like there is nothing that can be said to help a person withdrawing from heroin. You just have to sit through the pain and not relapse. Thinking about her, engaging with her, looking at her, pitying yourself, all those are forms of relapsing

1y ago  The Hub


Just feel like writing down some thoughts and feelings here.

Whenever a girl shows interest in me, I get nervous because I have the perception that her showing interest in me is a lucky mistake, and then I proceed to sabotage myself with the nervousness until the girl loses interest.

This needs to stop. And the only way for it to stop is for me to stop caring whether a girl is interested or not. And when she does show interest, I must not care about losing that interest. I must suppress the urge to try to keep that interest.

I must be mindful of this while holding a conversation. Regardless of how things are going, I must never become attached to a good outcome. I must always be prepared for everything to quickly go from me being the best guy she's ever talked to, to being more repulsive than a rotting pig corpse on the side of the road.

Just keeping this attitude in mind and always being prepared should save a lot of emotional turmoil.

It reads like the biggest hurdle to your engaging females are the hurdles in your own mind. I wish you the best in overcoming them and developing a sense of comfort.

To that end, consider investing in a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, also known as the late Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several sites and a podcast. While his media is a bit pricey, it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from, but I would also suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library.

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1y ago  The Hub

Just feel like writing down some thoughts and feelings here.

Whenever a girl shows interest in me, I get nervous because I have the perception that her showing interest in me is a lucky mistake, and then I proceed to sabotage myself with the nervousness until the girl loses interest.

This needs to stop. And the only way for it to stop is for me to stop caring whether a girl is interested or not. And when she does show interest, I must not care about losing that interest. I must suppress the urge to try to keep that interest.

I must be mindful of this while holding a conversation. Regardless of how things are going, I must never become attached to a good outcome. I must always be prepared for everything to quickly go from me being the best guy she's ever talked to, to being more repulsive than a rotting pig corpse on the side of the road.

Just keeping this attitude in mind and always being prepared should save a lot of emotional turmoil.

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1y ago  TheRedPill

@goodmansaysfuckyou I think communities such as this one help a lot with the zero fucks given attitude. I'm not sure if using a community for emotional support is healthy... But for me it's really comforting to have other men give advice, be on your side, and be like "you good bro". Ideally you'd be cool af and not need anyone but that's damn hard.

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1y ago  The Hub

@Antelope Thank you!

1y ago  The Hub

Hey! New here. Thanks for all the great advice. How does one go about finding "tribes" where personal advice can be asked for?

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