4y ago  The Hub

Many guys are doing solid with their game but struggle to maintain social media image, which we know is increasingly becoming a point or two of SMV. Struggle with the idea of just deleting all social and being a old school mofo, isn't this the same as being a social INCEL in 2019... social incel meaning you just give up on the social media shit even though you are fully capable of handling women in the real world. the thing is so much of the interaction is online based now what can you do but plug into it...?

4y ago  The Hub
4y ago  The Hub

@redhead Absolutely. In fact, even if a woman is married, she is explicitly allowed to have a quick and quiet abortion without her husband ever knowing there was even a pregnancy. In some states, a minor child can have an abortion without her parents' knowledge as long as someone 18 or older accompanies her to the clinic.

A man has zero say in the abortion decision. In fact, courts have gone out of their way to make sure a man (or anybody else) can't influence the decision at all, hence the court decisions where it was explicitly held that a woman can't be required to tell her husband - if he were to threaten divorce and make her financial future uncertain, that would hinder her right to choose. In some states, there have been huge fights over letting the mother see the ultrasound or hear the heartbeat, and what information is provided to mothers, for fear that this may influence her decision.

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4y ago  The Hub
4y ago  The Hub

real question because I don't trust google and maybe some of you fellas have experience with it: can a girl have an abortion without your consent? Like could you knock your gf/wife up and she can just go freely have an abortion?

4y ago  The Hub

Another name for a woman who fails to monetize her looks is "feminist".

4y ago  The Hub

I tell this female barber to give me a low fade. she starts gossiping about her high school age neice's sexual exploitations and I do not reply, not a word, not a nod, not a smile, not a frown. And she keeps talking and hackling as she keeps cutting further and further up my head until I lose it. I want to grab the scissors out of her hand. She has failed to do her one job. failed to give low fade and gossiped into ear for 10 minutes. Too many people around to make a scene. Now have to cut own hair off like a monk.

4y ago  Accountability

I think this tribe thing is a good idea but if you think about it it

4y ago  The Hub

Before people care if you're a good person, they care if you're a good player. Can you carry your weight or are you a dependent weakling?

"Masculine loathing of dependence is a bulwark to the therapeutic mother state [that provides welfare and reduces most men to a childlike state of supplication and submission]"

4y ago  The Hub

sperg gets girls number and texts her. 3 days later sitting in social studies class (aka lvl 1 brainwashing) his phone buzzes he feels tingle in belly she replies "hey lol". He nearly pees pants. What should he say? Insert 1-1000 homo thoughts before he replies. From here on out he is sprinting mentally while she is walking. Females have great endurance for this kind of stuff, most guys have none. Sperg is drained after the first few laps and she still wins race. The story of a sperg.

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