4y ago  Ask TRP

@bear-with-bit I'm not saying fake it- I'm asking how to deal with the fact that relationships inevitably end...

4y ago  Politics

Hmmm.. where have I heard this before/

4y ago  Ask TRP

@redpillkings no kids / divorced here. "just plan for it to end 5 years in?" I don't care how much you want/love kids, you won't be able to handle the stress, time, energy it takes to raise kids together while just faking it as husband and wife. You might as well start looking for mother / co-parent material, not wife.

4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool Nothing they say is consistent with itself. It's a mental illness and the public at large has it.

4y ago  Ask TRP

@redpillkings I don't think you go into it expecting to split. But you make sure that you don't place your self value on a woman who may (will) fail you.

So many men build their lives around women that when the relationship fails they are so shocked and have lost their identity that they consider suicide. Not a healthy way to live in or out of the relationship.

4y ago  The Hub

@bambinosupremo Well if we're advertising our stuff, then I guess here's my hat in the ring: www.trp.red/tribe/politics

4y ago  Politics
4y ago  Politics
4y ago  Politics
4y ago  Ask TRP

I'll bite. Here's a question I haven't seen answered:

If you want to start a family, do you expect that the union won't last and just plan for it to end 5 years in? What do you do to prepare for that while having kids?

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