3y ago  The Hub

@ships all manipulation.

Stay in your own frame. I don't give a shit about any girl's ex. Nothing to do with me. Don't care. That her frame, her experiences, her point of reference.

All I care about is my frame, and will she fit in?

A big part of that is 'do not mention any ex's, unless you want to waste my time'.

She is there to serve me. We are not there to make up, buy into, give a shit about anything to do with their ex's.

3y ago  The Hub

@Elvis One girl in college would smuggle drugs in her vagina. Pretty alpha if you ask me!

3y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV I've noticed as a slut gets older her definition of an alpha male changes to someone who is easily manageable for sex. Then she proceeds to use those "alphas" as leverage against her potential partner. "He makes me feel special, but only wanted me for sex. What can you do? Are you better than him?"

3y ago  The Hub

@ships I do owe it to delicious tacos ... If it wasn't for the fact that someone has to read and buy his books I think he would want nothing to do with people who read his shit

3y ago  The Hub

@ships I saw Max's rant this week and it's common among guys who create stuff so I figured it was a note I could swap.

Obviously telling guys to be the change they want to see doesn't stop the spergs, so the strategy I went with was indifference to the audience's reaction to stuff

It's gotten me though over 300 videos a book and God knows how many posts and field reports so it should help others too

3y ago  The Hub

@Rian_stone old.reddit.com/r/theredpill/comments/i92bu9/flotsam_in_a_sea_of_tism/

I don't write for them .... I'm here for me, not them.

the ones who do contribute are mostly angry people with stupid ideas and a bone to pick or just so bored that pissing people off is the only pastime they have at work

Good point. The internet is a bad place to hold high value discourse. Especially reddit. In this sense, writing can be a way to organize one's thoughts, and not necessarily as a way to engage with online strangers. I mostly glean whatever good piece of info I come across and have fun in the TRP space.

3y ago  The Hub

@TheStoicCrane In the view of Abrahamic religions, the King is supposed to be the vessel for God - supreme authority. He is merely a nominal, and hence replaceable figure.

3y ago  The Hub

@ships I don't care much about religion, tbh, and certainly not so much as to purposefully insult religious people. That doesn't mean I'm gonna to hold back my opinion, though.

In any case, the ideas that helped me grew most are those I initially found most insulting. I've had to decompose religion, nation and women by myself.

3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris inb4 "your attempts at bettering yourself mask an underlying need for your father's approval" "creating an all powerful figure is just a replacement father, who you work to please" or some variation.

It can even be said that to act and better ourselves is in and of itself "God". But we must still better ourselves, irrespective of causes. So my method is to... better myself and act. Discussions on psychology, philosphy, religion, etc will grant better perspective, as long as they are acted upon and not just discussed for the sake of it.

3y ago  The Hub

@adam-l This is called viewing everything as a nail when one knows how to use a hammer, but nothing else. Developmental psychology has its place. But it gives a false sense of clarity when applied to other domains. "Oh nah that's just a representation of the paternal figure. You must have daddy issues" "Oh you seek power over your immediate environment? You have mommy issues" "Religions are just a larger version of coping mechanism" blah blah blah.

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