4y ago  Ask TRP

@Shortbull Well you're on your way then man, the only thing to do is keep approaching and change your perspective from anxiety to excitement. I learn that was possible by doing stand-up comedy, and am re-framing my feelings on cold approaching by just doing it and losing all attachment to out come.

4y ago  Ask TRP

@Shortbull If you're awkward (meaning no eye contact, fidgeting with you hands, and literally don't sound confident) then she might at least give you credit for the cold approach and that's it. Escalating to touch is definitely out of the question if you haven't mastered those basics.

Personally I don't even use tinder, my approach is day game/cold approaches. Do you lift or practice a combat sport?

4y ago  Exzeenelism/COTI^2


Read this article and comment with what you think about it what it implies about the economic system/"free" market.

4y ago  The Hub

@sigdeff You will find multiple links between the two. A link to Forums.red (or back to TRP.red) will be found at the top of the navigation bar on the right. (Menu on mobile).

You will also find a link to a tribe / forum on the rightbar inside each tribe / forum (see picture)

4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool I'm assuming there will be a link from trp.red to forum.red, but to clarify, will there be?

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