2y ago  The Hub

@Whisper Can you elaborate on your third point? How is it not just overwhelmingly a risk with very little reward?

2y ago  The Dark Winter


I'd give it 10 years

Maybe a day like this should be used to reflect somberly upon how far we've fallen in the last ten years and how much can be lost in the next ten.

2y ago  The Hub


Now we're just pissing in the wind.

I don't think you know what that cliche means?

You have me figured out.

Well don't I?

2y ago  The Hub


My ancestors were simple peasants who lived under feudalism, monarchies, and then imperialism. So forgive me if I get pissy when someone says how having rights and freedoms is overrated.

Apparently @Guy has discovered a way to download all the memories and experiences of his ancestors.

2y ago  The Hub

@Guy Let me guess you're from a country with a populist government that has brainwashed you into believing that all forms of government that came before are stupidly incompetent, in order to mask the current government's own incompetence and oppressive leadership.

Gee, I wonder which country that could be

1 1 45,400 fcks
2y ago  The Hub

@Guy If a guy sucker punches you on your way to the store, and then uses that opportunity to beat the shit out of you, is it because that guy was superior to you? Or were you simply caught off guard as to how evil he was?

Guess what, we were fucked up way before any white person showed up here.

Every place in the world has the same basic human problems. War, greed, etc. But not stuff like the complete breakdown of the family. Pedos were basically unheard of until the civilization that descended from the pederasts came in.

You're using democracy, post-industrialism capitalism, and communism in the same argument.

Uh maybe that's because they're all related?

I bet when you divide your society into an upper class who can vote and a lower class who can't, you always envision yourself in the former, or at least that you can reach it.

Nobody said anything about continuing a system of voting. But regardless, I don't care if I'm in the ruling class or not. I just want just and competent governing again.

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2y ago  The Hub

@Guy You mean the East AFTER it was brutally colonized and turned into a weaker version of the west, by adoptingdemocracy and postindustrial capitalism?Or the East that adopted aWESTERN idea like Karl Marx's communism after it was brutalized through Western predatory imperialization? Or the East after the West basically armed its most violent and psychopathic people, the Japanese, who went and systematically raped other Asian people and made the Nazis look civilized by comparison?

2y ago  5th Generation War

@arakouzo The word you're thinking of is "plutocracy," not oligarchy.

2y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool Imagine getting virtually strip searched and/or physically groped whenever you try to fly to another country.

Oh, right!

2y ago  The Hub

@sloppyn-1s I'm open to suggestions.

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