3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris Seuss was Samizdat. The Party can no longer tolerate Samizdat. It cannot, will not, shall not, have some, Sam I Am.

3y ago  The Dark Winter

@Osiris It bobs back and forth just like her head used to do in Mayor Brown's office.

3y ago  Book Club: The Corpus Hermeticum

@Osiris just bought the book, excited to start reading instead of watching yt in my downtime. I'm 20 and in college if that matters.

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3y ago  The Dark Winter

@Osiris So the shirts would be more affordable?

3y ago  The Dark Winter

@Osiris I guess the more pertinent question isn't who made them but who paid to get them made...

3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris What happened to being able to just laugh off this extreme stereotypes in old media formats? Why does everything have to be retroactively sanitised?

Apparently traditional Japanese shoes are racist. And rice is too.

Are they trying to say that Japanese people don't wear Japanese shoes, or eat rice? Are they suggesting that Asian eyes look like White or Black eyes?

It's not offensive if you're acknowledging differences between races.

FFS, imagine depicting an American family as overweight, eating hot dogs, drinking Budweiser and setting off fireworks. Is that racist? It's a caricature for sure, but not totally inaccurate.

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3y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Osiris It's not personal I just I'm tired of your drivel. I'm going to reblock you because I'd rather not see your posts. Also I don't think that it was my sister. I'm not sure why you felt the need fuck two big fat women but I can understand why you'd escape into your thoughts of one of the most dominant guys here, even if it wasn't really all that solid of a connection.

3y ago  The Hub

@Osiris the only thing on Newgrounds that was real was "Don't Shit Your Pants".

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