3y ago  The Hub

In the age of OnlyFans and Sugar Babies, many guys have become Escortcels and Beta Pay Pigs.

Welcome to 2020 Redpill.

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3y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV BLM is a golem that's backrolled by old Jews like Soros. It's like Saruman (Jewish puppetmaster) directing his army of orcs (BLM) towards Helms Deep.

3y ago  The Hub

Chad Advice 3#

How to keep a woman submitted and enslaved in an LTR?

For fucks sake. This needs to be drilled deep into your skulls.

The entire "Game" for women is they want to win your love, validation and Time. Once they achieve this their pussy goes to sleep and never wakes up again. Permanent pussy coma.

All you softcock Romantic men project your ideals of love onto women. Women don't want your love. They are utterly repulsed by it.

A woman wants a man that is better than her. That's how women are wired. No exception. AWALT. Don't deny her this one true joy in her life - to submit to a dominant man.

Once a woman wins your love her hindbrain starts the evil whispers - "He loves you, he values you. He sees you as an equal. You're the best he can do, ergo, you can do better, girl." - Cue Hypergamy. Say Goodbye to your woman.

How do you communicate that you're better than a woman?

After you seduce her, you break up with her. For real. Invent a vague reason that she's just not what you're looking for. She doesn't get to come back into your life unless she crawls over broken glass and comes back ready to serve your every need. She's there to prove her worth to you and NOTHING she does is ever quite good enough. She will complain about this. It's a test. Shrug and laugh - it will drive her insane. She wants to be driven insane. She wants all of her thoughts to be consumed by "How can I get this man to CARE about me?" - Use female solipsism to your advantage.

A woman will never believe that you are better than her until you actually leave her. When you do leave her, make sure it's not an act. This is genuine. When she comes back your frame is one of permanent displeasure and mild annoyance - she's a blow fly buzzing around your face. Swat her constantly. Invent a cute nickname for her that communicates her sub-human status. Personally, I like calling my submissive woman "Pooch".

You're the leader. Always. No Ifs or Buts. If you let a woman make decisions it unleashes her masculine energy and you're beginning on the road to Oneitis and having your balls crushed. Don't do it men.

A woman gains her power when she emotionally withdraws from you. This is her One and Only powermove. She will pull this move at random times, and especially at times when you're at your weakest point. Example: Your grandfather just died? Feeling sad? Watch her comfort you, then watch her withdraw it and pull that rug right out from under your faggoty feet. If she pulls this shit, then you withdraw double. Triple. Fuck it, if you're a real Chad then you dump her. A truly submitted woman will not risk losing you by pulling this shit (but they all do it, especially after the relationship gets more comfortable). Dump her. If she doesn't come crawling back and jump through multiple hoops for you, then the dump is permanent. This is critical - No wavering on this. She must know that you are ready to walk away at any time if she fucks up. If you pursue her at any point then your entire frame is demolished and you have fucked up real good.

Disappear at random times and spike her anxiety. Women's pussy juices flow like the Amazon River when she has got no idea where your mind is at, and where you are physically at. "Where is he? Why don't I matter to him? What does he have in his life that's more important than me?" SPLURGE

You must give her an orgasm every time you fuck her. This is the magic spell that makes her chemically bond to you. Every time a woman cums it releases massive oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins - this is your best friend. Make a woman associate orgasms with you and enslave her to your dick. The more you can make her cum, the better. Fuck her doggy style because it subcommunicates that you'd rather look at her anus than her face when you fuck her. This further smashes her ego.

Nuclear Chad Advice for the ultimate Dark Triad Chad. Make her cum, and then pretend that you can't cum and imply indirectly that it is her fault - Fuck her ferociously then abruptly stop and say "I've had enough. I'm tired. I can't cum." This will completely fuck her mind up and make her panic. Her Hindbrain communicates that she truly is worthless because she can't please her man (Hypergamy destroyed). Cum in her pussy, pretend you didn't cum, and she will think that your cum dripping out of her pussy is her own pussy juice. Tease her about this - "Look at all of that pussy juice.... Well at least one of us enjoyed it."

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3y ago  The Hub

Chad rule 2#

Never talk politics and the fucked up state of the world with women. This one is obvious, but I see too many guys do this.

Politically frustrated guys come across as impotent and powerless and it dries the pussy up worse than anything else.

When a girl tries to talk politics with you (especially lefty politics) this is a shit test. You adopt this frame - Yawn loudly, pat the back of your own head as if to rouse yourself from a trance-state of ultra aloofness. Then grab both of her ears and shove your dick in her mouth.

3y ago  The Hub

@ships You're already failing because you are searching for the light. The light is already within you. The path to women is the path away from women and towards worship of your own inner light. You have to have super homo self love - the thought of fucking your own asshole has to make your dick hard.

Women provide no answers. You provide answers and frame for women. Women merely take the shape their containers.

3y ago  The Hub


that's the spirit

3y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV well...yeah. You will be exterminated for refusing. They have all the guns and tech. Not worth it. Just try to enjoy the last vestiges of the world now before it goes full-on Matrix.

The time to fight against this has come and gone. Now you may as well be a goldfish trying to take on a great white shark.

3y ago  The Hub
3y ago  The Hub

@Apollo doesn't matter - the entire Anglo Elite are in partnership with it. Take the Bill Clinton/Joe Biden/Jimmy Saville/Rolf Harris examples. These guys are as as Anglo as King Henry.

It's a Anglo Masonic/Hooked-Nosed partnership.

3y ago  The Hub

@Elvis There's also NAMBLA


NAMBLA is the true Redpill. These guys are basically resurrecting Ancient Sparta

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