1y ago  The Hub

@carnold03 which books would you suggest?

1y ago  The Hub


i am on a hypertrophy based workout plan ( basically ppl)

That's nice I guess, but your time would probably be better spent reading the books suggested to figure out if they'll help you achieve your goals. I'm sure that with time, determination, and follow-through on your part you'll achieve your goals and develop the confidence you lack. Good luck.

1y ago  The Hub

@Ill_Will7 ok , i will am forsure am going to checkout some books on buddhism

1y ago  The Hub

@Ill_Will7 i really agree with the point that information is way too easy to access in the world but the downside of it for me is there is too much information on the net and i don't know where to begin with this stuff, i for sure have deep rooted mental issues and i really need to know how to move past my traumas and advance in life

1y ago  The Hub

@Ill_Will7 which books my friend, even my existence makes me sick of myself, but i know i can improve myself, i know i can stay disciplined and work hard. i just need for the thing to click.

1y ago  The Hub

@Ill_Will7 but i always have the feeling that i am not good enough to talk to her, my mental image of myself is very low due to me being behind my peers, in any field which makes me feel incompotent in anythign

1y ago  The Hub

@coolsocks00 my lifting routine is push pull legs based on hypertrophy. i am a fit but the fat around belly area is too much and i look like i don't hit the gym , even though i have been hitting the gym for 2 years. Lookwise, i have clear skin (exception of some spots), i am a student , so i can't afford actual good clothes.

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv i try not to do the negative self talk , but everything i do , i start behind everyone else. I am bad at everything and everybody takes me lightly and makes fun of me. It's really hard to overcome negative self talk when i am surrounded by people who think lowly of me and i can't escape this situation. I really need to take an upward turn in my life and rise up in social situations and with women aswell.

1y ago  The Hub

@carnold03 i am on a hypertrophy based workout plan ( basically ppl)

1y ago  The Hub


Just looked into the rabbit hole of the red pill, a college student who is introverted and can't talk to women, gets made fun of by everyone and is making very slow progress in the gym, what advice would you give so that i can actually become socially dominant and get some bitches ?

Rome wasn't built in a day. If the ideas and concepts presented to you in the links provided in the sidebar are just too complicated for you right now, then consider investing in a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, also known as the late Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several sites and a podcast. While his media is a bit pricey, it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from, but I would also suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library.

As for fitness, if your thing is strength training consider picking up Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training" as it's a good foundation on the topic from which you can build on as you develop confidence on the matter. Beyond that, talk to people, not just the girls you're crushing on. Build up your confidence and ability to engage with people face to face. Reduce your time on the internet to what is necessary to progress your life and goals.

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