2y ago  Wallstreet Bets
2y ago  Wallstreet Bets
2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@jpwilk Banks pulling credit, grocery stores stockpiling food..

Something big is coming, and I believe it will be dramatic and quick.

3 3
2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

No more leverage for the common folk.
Live outside your means?
In perpetual debt?
Got screwed during the pandemic?
Already struggling?
Liquidation isn't just for stocks/crypto.

2y ago  Wallstreet Bets
2y ago  TRT (The Rugby Tribe)
2y ago  TRT (The Rugby Tribe)
2y ago  TheRedPill
2y ago  Red Pill Me


He's what a certain generation of parents raised. It's not just HBD. Sadly, worthless people can wreck an otherwise salvageable offspring.

I'll have to correct myself as I disagree with you there. The late young Mr. Delle wasn't a bitch. He was likely one in a line of victims of psychological manipulation being perpetrated by mental health professionals in the area protected by compromised/disloyal domestic intelligence agency personnel.

I say that because I gleaned from this article, that for 14 years, 1985 through to 1999, around a dozen area High school students, several from Richardson H.S. committed violent suicides publicly. It's highly improbable to consider this normal if other Americans who attended school were not seeing anything similar in the country at the same time.

2y ago  The Hub

@f0rsakenleopard92 Just be seen with her. Say something politely non-committal like "Oh, hey."

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