4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool warned once that erosion happens at the edges, seems like internal divides are been more effective in silencing TRP.

4y ago  The Hub

@Rian_stone it can either be a few guys playing status games on Twitter to climb up some arbitrary ladder & gain magic points

or it can be something deeper in which someone is bankrolling & coordinating bringing down the Manosphere via 21CON.

Once the subreddit is closed & any resemblance of organization on Twitter is destroyed.

4y ago  The Hub

@perrolo that was the exact article that the sjw from Portland used to get jack fired from the DC schools in 2016

Makes me wonder if guys want to be redpilled, or just wanted to he the SJW with the power.

Is getting rejected by a girl or dumped so scary that they'd rather go down this route?

4y ago  The Hub

@Rian_stone the same Gramsci tactics used by the leftists are now being used by non leftists on Twitter.

A lot drama going on with numerologists.

4y ago  The Hub

@perrolo we have become SJW.

4y ago  The Hub

The act of making the article public by @thegreatgatzb is not what I'm refering to as coordinated, it is good that these things come out.

What I refer to as coordinated is all the people in droves asking for his head and going for him.

4y ago  The Hub

Whatever you may think of Jack Murphy, doesn't it all look like a coordinated attack?

We all agree that cuckolding has no place here, but everything happening on Twitter looks vicious and coordinated.

Obviously, blocking everyone just adds more fuel to the fire but there's something behind the scenes that doesn't look good.

4y ago  The Hub

@Noblefiz as a person who's never gone, I imagine there's value in networking, more if you attend as a speaker than a normal atendee.

4y ago  The Hub

Funny how I've always understood TRP as everyone for themselves, sharing notes and having some common ground

And people outside of TRP think of it as a movement or ideology.

4y ago  The Hub

The ratio between writers and readers of any forum/blog/social media etc. follows a powerlaw.

In trp, the most clueless and the most prolific will make most of the writing.

How many read what's here, shut up about it and level up will always be a mystery.

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