2mo ago  Tech Talk

@Typo-MAGAshiv Yes I am! Thanks for remembering me.

I went on a hiatus from trp for a while. The only time I would come on here was when I was drunk and just bash some dweeb for being so obviously dim minded. So when I stopped drinking, I just didnt come here anymore.

Ill give you a lil background because I want to share. In 2022, I was on a sober break for about 3 months and drank again for about 2 weeks straight. I have been in this struggle with drinking for quite sometime, knowing that it was extremely detrimental to me but always came back to it. This time was just absolute, 100%, no way to hamster out of it, proof that if I have one beer I will be drunk for weeks.

Fast forward to today and I have been sober for 400+ days and go to two AA meetings a week. I actually really enjoy having positive older men around me for wisdom and mentors, AA has been a very rich experience for me this time around. I have really been changing my perspectives on things, trying to figure out a way to be financially secure and I'm going to start a blog and get my own domain.

I got "let go" again from another plumbing job but this time it wasn't because of my drinking or attendance haha, this time it was work politics. Just as I can no longer entertain the idea of me being able to drink, It seems I can no longer entertain the idea of being satisfied at a 9 to 5. I always butt heads with greedy bussiness owners and shitty bosses who are either way too comfortable in their position or way too stressed out to behave rationally. Thus I'm trying to formulate some kind of way to start a business, to earn for myself. Im so sick of being poor and working for someone else's dream. I might as well be poor and work for my own dream.

Last thing and I'll shut up, TRP has been extremely beneficial for me. I started learning the ways in 2017 and the wisdom I've learned about being a man, the nature of women, and life can not leave my mind, because they are always to be proven true out in the real world. Getting women for me today is like child's play now, Truly and honestly. It's such an amazing confidence to know that I can get a young lovely girl any time I want to now. Its so easy for me now that its just fun to mess with them. Hell its hard for me to not hit on an attractive girl now, its just so automatic. This ability I have now is exactly what I had always dreamed of, always obsessed over.

BUT I am bored of that now. I have only one girl now because I find my life easier and nicer with just one girl. She's as good a girl as anyone could want, and i am not greedy and amused like I used to be for lots of women, she gives me plenty. I really want to get my money right, now. I don't want the dream of getting a house to be a dream anymore. I don't want to believe its too expensive and hard out there! Youll never make it! I don't want to work the rest of my life for someone else to not appreciate me and pay me pennys. And now for the first time in my life, I'm not just going to be cynical and say its not worth trying because I'll never get what I want. I want to try and begin something, no matter how long it takes, and know that every day I atleast tried. All of these positive changes being the product of a slow but never ceasing belief in the TRP program. It took me years. But It works if you actually go out into the world and do what you constantly read.

So this is why I'm back. Good to see a lot of familiar names still here and thanks for reading.

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5 + 1 1,000 fcks
2mo ago  Tech Talk

I can't see that feature causing any headaches for users /S

I have Windows 7 Home Edition, and if it ever becomes too obsolete to run, I'll just switch over to some version of Linux.

2mo ago  Tech Talk


New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

At a Build conference event on Monday, Microsoft revealed a new AI-powered feature called "Recall" for Copilot+ PCs that will allow Windows 11 users to search and retrieve their past activities on their PC. To make it work, Recall records everything users do on their PC, including activities in apps, communications in live meetings, and websites visited for research. Despite encryption and local storage, the new feature raises privacy concerns for certain Windows users.

"Recall uses Copilot+ PC advanced processing capabilities to take images of your active screen every few seconds," Microsoft says on its website. "The snapshots are encrypted and saved on your PC’s hard drive. You can use Recall to locate the content you have viewed on your PC using search or on a timeline bar that allows you to scroll through your snapshots."

By performing a Recall action, users can access a snapshot from a specific time period, providing context for the event or moment they are searching for. It also allows users to search through teleconference meetings they've participated in and videos watched using an AI-powered feature that transcribes and translates speech.

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New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC
Recall uses AI features "to take images of your active screen every few seconds." | Ars Technica
2mo ago  Tech Talk

@Ill_Will7 hey, you're alive!

1 1
2mo ago  Tech Talk

@MentORPHEUS >Not so much because "Today's kids don't want to work" but chronic public disrespect for blue collar workers, elimination of trades education in high schools, what trade schools that still exist collecting tuition but churning out people who don't understand jack shit, and wage pressures driven by the biggest players in the industry.

Very well put. Im told that the AI can't take these jobs though. Im my industry, plumbing, they say you'll be able to charge whatever you want in ten years with nobody knowing anything about trade work. The prices people get charged by the ”big guys” right now is astronomical already.

1 2
2mo ago  Tech Talk

@MentORPHEUS i dun lost eye cue punts reeding that

2mo ago  Tech Talk

Ebay has a relatively new listing option: Use AI Description. It's about as obvious and pathetic as you might imagine. Here's an example I found...

This 6 ft 4-prong dryer power cord with model number 0333552 by Utilitech is the perfect fit for your vented dryer. It has a 30 amp and 10/4 gauge, making it suitable for electric-powered dryers. The power cord is in the color black, and it comes with a set that includes the power cord itself.

The installation process is effortless as it is freestanding and side-by-side compatible. This power cord is ideal for those looking to replace or upgrade their current dryer power cord. Buy Utilitech now and experience a reliable and efficient power cord for your dryer.

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2mo ago  Tech Talk


Taking about horny. Mother of a child was harrassed because the child was H's son and it wasnt accident but a visit .


2mo ago  Tech Talk

@Typo-MAGAshiv more like jealous.

Taking about horny. Mother of a child was harrassed because the child was H's son and it wasnt accident but a visit .

2mo ago  Tech Talk

@entgame are you horny for Harambe?

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