4y ago  Stoicism

@thestoiccrane also seneca and epictetus

4y ago  Stoicism

@dropkickPUA Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations" is basically the "Bible" of stoic philosophy.

4y ago  Stoicism

Any good book recommendations on Stoicism? I've been listening to a lot of audio books lately and now I want to turn to some more philosophical content.

My roommate gave me a 365 days of Tao that I've enjoyed. I think Tao (Chinese for "the path" I believe) is very similar to Stoicism in that your natural behavior it reactions to things should be comparable to nature: you are a rock and you weather every storm; you are the mountain that sees far into the horizon because of your position; you are the calm waters that reflects the moon light and allows you to peer into the deep. Etc, etc.

4y ago  Stoicism

Meditations: Book II

  1. Failure to observe what is in the mind of another has seldom made a man unhappy; but those who do not observe the movements of their own minds must of necessity be unhappy.
4y ago  Stoicism

One of the greats.

4y ago  Stoicism

What is a Stoic? A Stoic is someone that no matter the circumstance or how they are feeling is able to take action. A Stoic is someone that is equally comfortable during times of hardship as they are during times of prosperity. A Stoic is someone that can never be broken. You see to me, Stoicism is the ultimate frame. Whether you are at peace on a beach, in a physical altercation, or trying to approach a woman, Stoicism has something for you.

As our tribe is still young, I would like to thank those of you that have already joined us and those that may join us still. Feel free to share any stoic resources/stories with your tribesmen and ask any questions you may have.

Regards, Tactical Nuke

4y ago  Stoicism

@TacticalNuke nice, I've done this exercise myself and found that my perfect day would start with surfing and generally enjoying my time outside and in the sun and then working indoors until night life working on game. These are part of my long term goals

4y ago  Stoicism

@CleverRaptor77 Thanks for sharing Raptor. Accepting the fact that death will one day come for us all is often the only motivation you need to push yourself through uncomfortable situations. Whether it's approaching, public speaking, or even stepping into the gym for the first time.

4y ago  Stoicism

I would just like to share a tool that can help people overcome approach anxiety that was told to me by an EC

Spotlight Effect - the belief that the world revolves around you and all eyes are on you.

Simply untrue people generally do not care what you are doing at all and if anything happens and they do it will only last a very short while before all is normal again. It also further helps to reinforce thoughts that there is only one certainty in your life and you will die and be forgotten which I got from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, contrasting approach anxiety with this makes it feel very insignificant and hence develop a DGAF mood to help you approach that girl you have butterflies for.

Thus just dgaf, have front sight focus and go for that approach nothing matters in the end.

4y ago  Stoicism
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