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Hiding in Plain Sight
RedPill software
Published 09/30/18 by NormalAndy [5 Comments]

I might regret this.

I propose using github as a project management tool for RedPill siftware projects.

What would you like to see in a RedPill app? Hopefully something more than a workout timer but it’s a start.

RedPill checklists, RedPill awards/stickers. Sexual intrigue and success stories All that shite that attracts the same disaffected moths that Reddit did while opening the door to the brighter future of the better self.

Please comment. I will edit as things progress...

Apps- software projects.

  • The Github/ Microsoft question. Indeed, who can trust Microsoft? So what is the better option for project management? Github is still the open source champion and I suspect if qBittorrent can get through then so can TRP. I would go with it until we have a reason not to. You can, at that point expose Microsoft for their hypocrisy - and they are a much bigger fish than Reddit!

TRP.RED, forums.red technical wishlist:

  • need user search function. Can't find anyone on this thing.
  • is it possible to make it so that every post that is made on reddit.com/r/theredpill gets automatically posted here? That way if the forums shut down we can continue exactly from where we left off? (Being worked on / script being written)
  • Eventually wanted to read the sidebar yet "Posting and Commenting Rules - Ignorance not an excuse!" is 404ed. How can I contact the admins pls?- We're migrating the sidebar soon.
Tip NormalAndy for their post.
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Comment by yung-djonar on 10/01/18 06:15am

Do you think Github, being owned by Microsoft and being the employer of soyboys like this guy (https://twitter.com/mislav?lang=en), might also censor TRP software? Not sure if they'd go that far, but it seems in the realm of possibility.

Comment by Noblefiz on 10/01/18 03:55am

sorry wrong blog

Comment by Noblefiz on 10/01/18 03:54am

When I opened the link my antivirus prevented hijacking via XSS. Whats that about

Comment by SaladLover69 on 10/01/18 02:35am

With the sub quarantined and with a complete ban on the horizon, it would be nice to browse all current /r/theredpill posts. I'm currently looking into getting the entire subreddit backed up and building an API for it. The API isn't ready yet, but you can see an example at trpbackup.com/

Comment by redpillschool on 09/30/18 02:33pm

There's a group of people who have asked me about this. I am throwing together a quick forum for developers to talk about this. We're going to open up an API for trp.red as well.