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Redasshole's Blog
Published 03/06/16 by Redasshole [0 Comments]

Just like men who gather in groups, free men are dangerous. Nowadays, men are kept from thinking thanks to TV, video games, porn and the internet. Those useless entertainments compel men to keep spending their money so that they remain dependant from their boss and from their job.

Buy the biggest home you can. Because you need 100 square meters to live. Stuff it with expensive objects and turn it into a beautiful comfy net which will make you complacent, soft and reluctant to leave. To buy all that useless shit, you get in debt so that you are bound to live there for the majority of your life.

Finally, there are morals. The only moral worth having is relative to yourself: how you allow other people to treat yourself and how you treat yourself. But in this day and age you must solve other people’s problems for free otherwise you are called an asshole. Can you imagine being labeled an asshole? That would be terrible /s

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