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The American Black Community was the TRP Canary in the Coal Mine
Published 02/19/19 by S74RK [1 Comments]

What do you think of when you hear "Black America"?

Honestly. No political correctness required here.

Welfare, absent dads, single moms, rap music, maybe fried chicken and hair salons.

What seems unfortunate and even comical to many non-blacks is, I believe, a social phenomenon really worth investigating and understanding with respect to The Red Pill.

Let's start with some interesting information you probably weren't told in school:

* Back in 1948, the unemployment rate for 17-year-old black males was just under 10 percent, and no higher than the unemployment rate among white male 17-year-olds.

* In 1960, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent. By 1985, 67 percent of black children were raised with either one parent or no parent.

* In a similar timeframe (1970 - 1990), 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers initially, increasing 6-fold to 18 percent for whites by 1990 (keep in mind, I don't think this statistic includes families where the father leaves after e.g. 5 or 10 years, either by his own choice or the woman's high likelihood to initiate divorce.)

* In the 1920s it was very common for white entertainers and other prominent members of society to have a night out on the town in Harlem, New York. Can you imagine that today?

* After the Civil War, Blacks had some educational institutions that had higher graduation rates and higher literacy rates than whites (see: Tuskegee Institute).

* Go to 1:06:20 -

* In 2012 The U.S Census Bureau released a report that studied the history of marriage in the United States. They discovered some startling statistics when calculating marriage by race. They found that African Americans age 35 and older were more likely to be married than White Americans from 1890 until sometime around the 1960s.

* As part of the 1960s welfare reforms, which disproportionately targeted and affected Black communities, a "man in the house" rule existed for some time, whereby welfare payments would not be paid out if there was an able-bodied man living in the house of the child. You know, a father. There were actually government raids to check if this rule was being followed.

* In general, policies over the last ~50 years have only moved in the direction of more welfare, easier divorce, and therefore less social need for the traditional husband and father.

Let's start with an obvious implication about not having a father: everyone on TRP knows about girls with daddy issues. There's not much more I can say on this topic, except to summarize that girls who grew up without proper father figures are exceptionally volatile (even more than a 'normal' woman) in longer term relationships. Therefore it's fair to conclude that Blacks have been living through this societal effect on steroids - but don't worry, the rest of us are catching up.

Here's a question. Do you think rap music and gangster culture and the related mindsets cause poor outcomes in black communities? Or do you think they're a result, and artists started making music directly depicting their reality? The answer may be both to some degree, but the latter hypothesis is seriously ignored and much more plausible. Negative socioeconomic trends emerged in black communities far before rap music did.

The "internet dark web" attracts all kinds of alternative viewpoints, but a pervasive one is that of racial superiority. I believe there is enough historical and economic evidence to suggest that one's race does not determine their outcomes, at least not nearly to the extent that their institutions and culture do. So for the closet white supremacists reading this, I have a question for you: how do you think your life would have turned out if you did not have a father growing up, if your mom had drug problems, if your community did not emphasize educational and work aspirations, if your cultural leaders told you nothing was your fault and was the fault of some other group, if your friend group and older kids at school included drug dealers and criminals, and if the women around you did not value intelligence and hard work and almost certainly had daddy issues?

Black men started understanding women in a raw form much earlier than whites with stable families and communities. What white man would you know in 1996 that could relate to this attitude?

But oh man can we at TRP relate to this in 2019... And when you think about it, so much of what is expressed in rap music with regards to relationship dynamics expresses the very worst realizations and experiences men have had in a TRP sense. Speaking of Black culture and TRP... isn't one of our patron saints Patrice O'Neal? Somehow that never seemed like a coincidence to me.

My thesis is this: when policy makers incentivized Black women to not have a husband, the traditional male-female dynamics and selection processes fell apart in their communities. Now whites and everyone else in America are catching up to the same fate, because with feminism, further state assistance, and female parity in the workforce, the same effect of women not requiring men long-term is happening.

That's right: I would argue that welfare and female career advancement lead to the same outcome, that is, female economic independence - at least independence from a husband. Going by current correlation, and a healthy TRP understanding of female nature, the same can be said about increasing educational attainment among women.

There's a striking parallel between the supposed leaders of the Black community who were pushing white guilt (rather than Black achievement) and the leaders of the feminist movement pushing male guilt (rather than healthy families). They act one way, and they live another. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, they live among the whites. Liberal men pushing for women's rights and more feminism? They're rich, sometimes attractive (like the actors), powerful (politicians), and they are typically married, and with families. And often with women on the side, all to themselves. Hey, why not encourage women to go out and be independent? Just gives more access to us!

It's because they "get it". All power and mating success has to do with relative discrepancies and advantages over other men. If you're better (richer, more attractive, higher status) than your immediate fellow man, you are all but guaranteed to succeed with women. Let everyone else fight for the scraps. If you empower your fellow man, create a culture and enforce female dynamics in such a way that they can't just run around and fuck off to the pretty new guy, or the slightly wealthier business owner, or the athlete visiting the town's nightclub this weekend... Well then guess what - less for you. Less for you, guy-already-at-the-top.

As someone who is, and by the looks of it will only continue to become one of those guys at the top - I find the mindset morally repugnant, because I actually care about my fellow man, and want to incentivize a peaceful and healthy place for him in society. I don't care how many women I fuck from online, I would prefer these apps didn't exist. I don't care how much money I make, I'd be happy (or try to be happy) with one woman trying to raise a family. I refuse to partake in this because I see just how rigged the game is for any man. But I won't actively endorse and support policies that marginally benefit myself and continue to hurt men around me.

Though sometimes I think maybe I should, just to wake men up to how fucked they're are. With every soy-latte-drinking, boardgame-playing, democrat-voting, homework-doing, open-relationship-having nu-male I come across, I just can't help but think: maybe men deserve it. If you love your delusions so much that you'd continue to let yourself suffer, while simultaneously throwing your fellow man (politically speaking) under the bus, maybe you deserve to get cucked and divorced and whatever else will inevitably come your way.

Remember, welfare and feminism didn't come into being. Everything women have, and ever have had, was given to them by Men.


Why care about this stuff? Isn't this social science, politics, whatever? A common sentiment on male-oriented websites, even on TRP, is something to the effect of -

"That's why you ignore girls and focus on life and your dreams." (I copied this comment from the Ice Cube video above.)

Two comments. One, do your dreams honestly not include having children, perhaps a stable family, and god forbid a long-term female partner? And two, the point of this post, is to see that it's all interconnected. Social institutions, cultures, and norms directly effect human behavior, and activate different parts of women's selective paradigms.

Eventually I'd like to write a Part 2 of this post comparing mainstream Western cultural (and dating) trends as not just having elements of Black communities, but also those of Japanese society. What a mix. To quickly summarize, from the former we see the disintegration of the family unit and the disincentives to having husbands and fathers. But with the latter, we see a reduction of dating and sex and even children in general, as we work harder against a slowing economy to stay in the same place.

Not that women care how hard you work these days :)

Tip S74RK for their post.
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Comment by S74RK on 02/19/19 12:24am

I'm not sure if my YouTube video links embedded. In any case, the first one was:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLYVG4OP_wg (go to 1:06:20)

And the second was an Ice Cube song =)
