6y ago  The Hub

New podcast. Buy a tshirt, share the podcast, spread the word. It's been a productive year ranting & joking. Thanks redpillschool for the platform, Bancroft for his content direction, and all of you for listening. Follow and star me. Me love you long time. #Humor #RedRum #Merch

6y ago  The Hub

Prematurely unplugging bloopies when they're not ready can lead to hysterics, severe depression, and defeatism #Humor #Memes #RedRum #Unplugging

6y ago  The Hub

Mans finest achievement followed closely by civilization #Humor #Memes #Lesbians #Women #Blame #BlameShift

6y ago  The Hub

How you are when you're getting laid VS not #Humor #Meme #RedRum #RedPill #Comics

6y ago  The Hub

Liberals trip over their own stupidity like a snake eating its own tail #Liberals #Memes #Trans #Humor

6y ago  The Hub

I'm the hottest MC to ever bless the mic. Check out an interview with a red pill member that never surfaced on my latest podcast: The Interview #Humor #MC #Interview #RedRum #Podcast #Rap #Clown

6y ago  The Hub
6y ago  The Hub

when you're a doctor but also red pilled #Humor #Memes #ObjectificationIsHealthy

6y ago  The Hub

this is how I mentor members #Humor #Redpill #Mentor

6y ago  The Hub

MGTOW are the bench-warmers #Humor #MGTOW

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