3y ago  The Hub

The Vortex — Tell It Like It Is

As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...

Only the truth matters.

Within the Catholic world, a media war has erupted. And frankly, it's getting ugly.

There is the establishment media, which does nothing but apologize for inept bishops and their dalliances. They go out of their way (with increasing frequency) to attack outfits like Church Militant for not toeing the party line and kissing up.

In another camp is the Marxist "Katholyc" crowd — that's Catholic with a K. National Catholic Reporter and Fr. James Martin are prime examples, along with America Magazine and so forth. They likewise attack outfits like Church Militant because we report on their dissent and heresy in their attempts to destroy the Church and remake it after their own sinful wills.

We see much of this dynamic at work in the secular media world as well, although there it is a little more clearly defined: Marxist media and more politically conservative media.

There are a few more splinters in the Catholic world, frankly, because there are more competing agendas stemming from different views of the Church — the establishment media types and the dissent media types and the "rad-trad" media types — all with pretty dramatically different views about the Church.

Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-tell-it-like-it-is

#2021 #TheVortex #MichaelVoris #ChurchMilitant #Truth #Vs #Lies #Media #Priest #JamesMartin #Marxism #Socialism #Communism #Paganism #Politics #Faith #US #America #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #Clergy #Bishop #Archbishop #Cardinal #Pope #Homosexuality #Pedophiles #Pederasty #MentalIllness

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3y ago  The Hub

The Vortex — Communion and the Crooked Cardinal

As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...

Nothing is as innocent as it seems.

One of the many travesties and tragedies exposed in the past decades involving corruption in the Church is the distribution and reception of Holy Communion in the hand. Marxist-minded clerics in the Church decades ago decided that, in order to weaken faith in the Church, they needed to weaken and eventually destroy faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

Well, they've been successful.

Today, only 30% — less than one out of every three Catholics — believe in the Real Presence of Our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist. So from a Marxist point of view, mission accomplished. But as we said, this is the end result of a long-term strategy by Judas clergy who wanted the Church and her teachings leveled to clear the way for a one-world government and a one-world religion.

Reception of Holy Communion in the hand, seen in this light, is a direct affront to Almighty God. How this came to be was revealed in a series of Church Militant programs a number of years ago, but given the urgency of the need to get all things back in their proper order, we want to highlight some of our Premium programming that explains all this.

Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-communion-and-the-crooked-cardinal

#2021 #TheVortex #MichaelVoris #ChurchMilitant #CaseFiles #SimonRafe #HolyCommunion #Truth #Vs #Lies #Marxism #Socialism #Communism #Paganism #Politics #Faith #US #America #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #Clergy #Priest #Bishop #Archbishop #Cardinal #Pope #Homosexuality #Sodomites #Pedophiles #Pederasty #MentalIllness

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3y ago  The Hub

The Vortex — Right Reason

As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...

Without it, no man is saved.

When we speak of man being made in the Divine Image, the Imago Dei, one dynamic present there is our intellect, the ability to arrive at truth and then embrace it. You see this very thing playing out very early in even a child's life, a desire to know, to grasp truth, to grasp reality.

Only when a small child grows to adulthood does the starkness and reality of truth become something that he may want to avoid and flee from. But even then, there is at least a tacit recognition of truth, because if there weren't, what exactly would he be fleeing from?

Truth, by its nature, is inescapable because of this one simple but all-encompassing point, it is the nature of truth to be known. But beyond being known, truth must be conformed to. Truth is the hard reality that, if you live in opposition to it, your life will be miserable, and you will end in misery.

Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-right-reason

#2021 #TheVortex #MichaelVoris #ChurchMilitant #Interview #CharlesRice #Faith #Christianity #Truth #Vs #Lies #US #America #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #Clergy #Laity

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3y ago  The Hub

"Converting America" youtu.be/1odzdz1pj7w

As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...

Building from the rubble.

So political events have now come to an end and finished in the way none of us wanted to see. Okay, we have to deal with that reality. As faithful Catholics and patriotic Americans, the last two years have been quite the eye-openers, and it is on that point that we'd like to offer some words of encouragement.

Everything that has gone wrong in the culture the last 60-plus years can be laid at the feet of the U.S. hierarchy. That sad fact has to be stared directly in the face. Church Militant has been trumpeting this clarion call for years. But, here in the U.S., the collapse of the hierarchy took on a special dynamic unique to the United States.

America was born in the context of a strange mix of so-called Enlightenment principles of fraternity, liberty and equality, paired with freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

That all sounds good and everything, but just like a Vatican II document or virtually any utterance from the Francis Vatican, it all depends on how you interpret it. The deadly ingredient in all that was established at the beginning of the nation was the ambiguity of it.

Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-converting-america

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#2021 #TheVortex #MichaelVoris #ChurchMilitant #Marxism #Communism #Lies #Fraud #Diabolical #Christianity #Truth #Faith #US #America #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #RomanCatholicChurch #Election #Coup #Politics #CultureWar #Clergy #Priest #Bishop #Archbishop #Cardinal #Pope #Homosexuality #Pedophiles

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3y ago  The Hub

"Class Warfare" youtu.be/322ug6wm7jg

As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

If you seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work and sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation.

It's going to ramp up in 2021.

Happy Feast Day of Mary, Mother of God. And as we move into this no-so-shiny new year, Her children are going to be depending on Her more than ever.

What the commies have done in America is what they've managed to do everywhere their presence has fouled the planet. They've created a war between the classes, but in this case, it's getting really bad.

What we see unfolding before us is a system where the elites oppress the peasants — and yes, this includes the hierarchy over the faithful.

The cultural elites are — in no particular order — the media, government, Hollywood, Silicon Valley and corporate America. Expand that traditional pool and toss in the U.S. hierarchy because, well, birds of a feather.

Transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-class-warfare

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#2021 #TheVortex #MichaelVoris #ChurchMilitant #CultureWar #Media #Lies #Politics #Fraud #Faith #US #America #Election #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #RomanCatholicChurch #Clergy #Corporation #Government #Bureaucrat #Elites #Homosexuality #Pedophiles #Uniparty #DemocraticParty #RepublicanParty #Classism #SexualDysfunction #Crime

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3y ago  The Hub

"President Harris" youtu.be/vwebwsw62u0

As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

If you seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today and supporting our work by signing up for a Church Militant Premium account.

It's been the plan all along.

As the year winds down and a potential Biden administration comes more into focus, what's also becoming more clear is the "super plan" of the Marxists — to smuggle in their anti-God agenda under the guise of good ol' Joe.

The Left knew from the primaries that, of all the radicals standing on the debate stages, perhaps none was more disliked for her leftist ideology than Kamala Harris.

The San Francisco communist made her way into politics by sleeping her way into various promotions and was being saved as one potential person to push the country further to the left. As 2020 unfolded with the collision of the China virus and the elections, it became clear to the shadowy figures who operate the Democratic Party that beating Donald Trump would not be possible without two things in place.

Transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-president-harris

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#2020 #TheVortex #MichaelVoris #ChurchMilitant #Coup #MichelleMalkin #Newsmax #Election #Politics #RepublicanParty #DemocraticParty #Uniparty #Marxism #US #America #Christianity #Faith #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #Clergy #Laity #SexualDysfunction #Secularism #Covid19 #Fraud #Deception #Lies #CreepyJoeBiden #KamalaHeelsUpHarris

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3y ago  The Hub

"Jesus & Joe" youtu.be/darjkqybyzi

As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

December distortions.

December normally is a month when the Marxist media trots out more important distortions than any other month because they produce zillions of stories about Our Blessed Lord that distort the truth about Him. In short, they distort the Divine.

This year, however, they have ramped up the distortion game — this time against democracy, claiming Biden won, to which you have to say: "Well, if you're willing to lie about Jesus, why wouldn't you lie about Joe?"

In the case of Our Lord, they are lies in the negative, detracting from His divinity. In the case of Joe, they are lies in the positive, claiming he won. He did not.

Transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-jesus-joe

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#2020 #TheVortex #MichaelVoris #ChurchMilitant #Marxism #DistortedTruth #JesusChrist #Christmas #RaphaelWarnock #CreepyJoeBiden #Politics #Faith #US #America #Election #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #Communism #Lies #Diabolical #Clergy #Priest #Bishop #Archbishop #Cardinal #Pope

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3y ago  The Hub

"Men of Goodwill" youtu.be/n0yzh3sktry

As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

Must love the truth.

As we approach this Christmas season, it's good to turn to the Scriptures (as it always is) for some deeper insight. And, for the record, we mean insight and reflection offered to us by the Church who gave us the Scriptures — not our own personal opinion of what they mean.

In the last 50+ years, there have been loads of various editions published (some obviously much better than others), and around Christmastime, my eyes are always drawn to one particular passage and how modernists mangle it. It's the scene with the heavenly hosts joining the angel in the night sky above Bethlehem, singing "Glory to God in the highest" at the birth of our Lord.

Many editions report it as this: "Peace on earth. Goodwill toward men." That is such a bad mangling and corruption of what is actually sung by the angels that it seems it couldn't be anything but deliberate. What they actually sang was, "And on earth, peace to men of goodwill."

Transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-men-of-good-will

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#2020 #TheVortex #MichaelVoris #ChurchMilitant #Truth #Goodwill #Christmas #Peace #Politics #Faith #US #America #Election #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #Clergy #Pope #Priest #Cardinal #Bishop #Archbishop #Homosexuality #Pedophiles #Diabolical #Lies

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