4y ago  The Hub

@Chaddeus_Rex Doesn't matter. Something like 75000 students signed a petition wanting that guy gone from campus.

The crime isn't being a rapist. The crime is offending a woman. She signals that offense by accusing the man of rape. Getting accused of rape is the crime. The idea is that if the guy did nothing wrong at all, she wouldn't have accused him. People don't accuse good boys who've done nothing wrong of crimes. So the fact that she accused him is the clear proof that he did something wrong. That something wrong that he did was offending her. He's not that attractive, he's ethnic and nerdy, and she was drinking enough to get bored and horny enough to fuck him then got embarrassed. He should have known this would offend her and stayed in his lane. Unattractive guys aren't supposed to fuck.

If a guy gets accused of rape, but a court and jury found him innocent, that just means he found some legal loophole, was rich and privileged and got a good lawyer, or the evil patriarchal system favored him. Everyone still knows he did it. (And by did it, I mean offended a woman.) The court verdict doesn't matter. He's a rapist because she said so. Him managing to get himself acquitted is just an injustice and further proof that people should hate him for not only being a rapist but also having the gall to get away with it legally.

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4y ago  The Hub

@adam-l When some student files a sexual assault claim, that gets turned over to risk management. Essentially, a team of lawyers whose job is to, as the department name implies, advise the institution on the path that will result in the least risk - the lowest legal exposure.

These aren't blue-haired feminists out to screw men over and glorify women. These are stodgy old lawyers out to save money for their employer, a old-guard Ivy league university run by a bunch of stodgy old rich white men who just want to keep being rich.

The path of least risk for Yale is to expel the brown foreign guy. It doesn't matter how far this lawsuit goes or how much publicity he manages to drum up. The odds were low that he'd do that in the first place, but even now that he's doing it, it's still far less publicity and cost than what Yale would have faced if they'd not expelled him.

This isn't man-hate. This is rich white men protecting themselves from bad PR.

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4y ago  The Hub

@CainPrice I'm all for materialism and the precedence of tangible interests before ideology etc, but I think you are taking it a bit too far.

People have a process of subconsciously justifying the biased ways by which they operate. There is an ideology at work here. It's not plain cold financial calculated thinking.

4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool This is that funny slut-regret case from a few years back. The woman claimed she hadn't had sex for six months. But the anal swab from her rape exam found another man's sperm. She'd been getting her asshole drilled just a couple of days before hooking up with this guy. Then claimed blackout-drunkenness only to have that disproven by security footage and testimony of onlookers. Then came up with some disjointed story of stalking and aggression only to have that disproven by concrete proof that the guy wasn't where she said he was at the times she said he was, coupled with her own friendly flirty texts immediately following incidents of frightening aggression.

Now, you might think that Yale is anti-man and men are under attack and other bullshit like that. But it's more that Yale is pro-Yale. Yale is pro-money. Yale is pro-covering Yale's ass.

You can't not expel an accused rapist. It's suicide for a university. This lawsuit is nothing compared to what the university would have suffered if they'd let an innocent man who was accused of rape attend school there.

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4y ago  The Hub

@itiswr1tten I'll be the first to admit that I have no clue how money actually works. Every time I think I've got a handle on something that seems like a good idea, it turns out that was a good idea 10 years ago and doesn't work any more. Whatever cutting-edge things the modern money experts do to get and stay rich, they keep that pretty close to the vest, and it seems like it changes every 5 minutes as soon as enough people get on board and figure it out.

4y ago  The Hub

@CainPrice There are two paradigms here. One is following users. The other is following communities. Think of the "Daily Prescription" like a master Tribe of only people you follow.

That said, since we've added tribes, perhaps it is time to remove the master tribe and promote the Tribes feed as the home page (and update the post box to include a tribe dropdown selection).

I did like the ability to add friends and follow their profiles in addition to tribes. But it is a bit confusing.

4y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil I wouldn't mind chatting sometime. Though I'm super-careful about real world exchanges, and we're both busy guys who'd need to coordinate schedules. I haven't messed around with Skype that much, but they still do anonymous guest accounts, don't they?

4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool I don't understand the front page in general. There are topical tribes where people can subscribe and go read and write posts on topics that interest them. You can even get a tribes feed and see the latest posts for all the tribes you selected.

Then there's this front landing page that isn't your tribes feed or tied to any particular topic. It's kind of just everybody posting about everything, and it's the first thing you see when you arrive at trp.red. Since it's the first thing people see and the first thing people read and post on, things like tribes become a bit of an afterthought. Who wants to click on half a dozen links to read and respond to a tribes post when the real discussion is right here on the front page?

As a result, it's become the dear diary of a few voices - mostly radicalized pseudo-intellectual guys and their pseudo-intellectual opponents, all of who have too much free time to fuck around on the internet.

With the front page free-for-all chats, the rest of trp.red is mostly an afterthought.

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4y ago  The Hub

@G2CM1911 Are you a war veteran or a retired fire chief? Or are you just an unemployed incel.

I respect valuable people who have helped society and now need help. I don't respect non-valuable children who never grew up and learned how to be an adult.

Valuable people can help your cause. Incels who never learned how to be an adult are just internet warriors. Let them rot.

Get off of your high horse. When you walk past a homeless man on the street, you don't invite him home and give him a warm bed. You don't even give him 20 bucks. You cross the street because he's non-human, possibly dangerous, smells bad, and you don't have the balls to look him in the eye and tell him no to his face.

4y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil I've intentionally avoided a lot of the substantive talk about Evola mostly because it seems like there's something fundamental I'm just not understanding from his writing.

It seems like he says that the God-Emperors ancient societies, and various other old-school leaders, are actually, unironically, ordained by God and have some kind of special supernatural something that they're born with, that is sometimes but not always demonstrated to the rest of the world via some kind of rite or ritual. And this is inborn - not something anybody earns or becomes, just something somebody is. And respecting that inborn supernatural trait because it is "traditional" is superior to other forms of achievement.

That's where people run off with the whole "believes in magic" stuff.

One also wonders how this meshes with The Red Pill, where you're supposed to work out, develop your mind, develop your skills, and achieve stuff, when what really matters is some long-lost sense of traditionalism that's been covered up by modern capitalism, liberalism, or whatever other isms we have going on right now.

I end up wrinkling my forehead trying to muscle through this guy's writing, mostly because it's weird and completely incompatible with the way nearly anybody alive today thinks. My reading comprehension is darn good, but I keep feeling like I'm just not getting whatever this guy wrote.

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