1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv thats a new "normal" nowadays. I heard stories when a woman was so fat that even did not realised that she was pregnant.

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv people are disturbed looking at each others faults that they dont see their own. Minds are asleep in the system and even small push counts. This is survival and only starting to move wheels. But thats my opinion.

1y ago  The Hub

@58to62LegLengthening could be, but thats her business. Meanwhile topic is being pushed on asleep minds and more people start thinking that something dont add up.

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv i like that some movement starting, even a small fart, it makes an air more fussy.

1y ago  The Hub


there are women who see through matrix - Pearl for example

I tried to watch PearlyThings but found it like RP material getting read by a girl who didn't necessarily understand it any better than average herself. She also gives me a vibe of preferentially combusts solid state fossil fuels. I wouldn't strongly recommend her channel for men or women at this point, but if you've seen things about her that I seem to have missed, I'll hear them.

1 2
1y ago  The Hub


Hate is the reaction to unwillingness and not understanding the information. So many people are there who live in a boxdue to bad parenting and destructive values.

P.s. already there are women who see through matrix - Pearl for example, not so bad considering big portion of lost society.

1y ago  The Hub

@Jzekyll Focusing on self improvement what you can and stop worrying about impressing someone. Life is too short to chase women, chase excellence (Richard Cooper vibes)

1y ago  The Hub

@jprdl Stress, less veggies, d vitamin or even vitamins and of course genetics. Same for me.

As for action, great article.

1y ago  Ask TRP

@Lionsmane8 Another one what I just thought, harem is could be only for guys within "1%" as it will get to a point that would turn around quite messy. Or to born in some country where it is traditional.

1y ago  Ask TRP

@Lionsmane8 my point was not to offend or something but push the topic of sorrying. Sometimes, could be a lot even - matter of level of understanding - sorry is heard as weakness. Similar as when men don't have resources to provide with something, is heard literally. It is as sales. Stupid, but worth to think about , in my opinion.

My point of view, harem or one girl, always it is matter of options. If there is a scarcity, it will backfire. Abundance mindset helps a lot.

Regarding west or east, I am referring to basic instincts. Purse, resources are of course important, but more important is the level of our lives and how we are working with our framework and our happiness. That is why not all women want billionares etc., but a guy who have goals in life, interests, can provide basic stuff, safety, and don't pedastalize women. Ambundance is not money only, therfor a lot of billionares are toi tired to live fully, lonely, bored etc. We all have decisions, sacrifices, sometimes too much, but that is a learning process.

Hope not too long. Peace out.

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