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since 2019.
@Typo-MAGAshiv @carnold03 you two guys. Do a video colab already.
@FAWK "This is why when men disagree their primitive response is to fight."
From my experience and from what I have read - sometimes discussion gets hot, because topic for both sides is interesting, but people think that is fighting, because of social assumption that a little spicy communication equals "bad". Then there are guys and girls as well that really gets aggressive or violent smth. as psychological articles are saying - when unhealthy ego gets triggered first response is aggression, because of the lack of knowledge or arguments, or even parent example from childhood.
Action is life (thumbs up), and regarding fighting, agree. Nowadays even some kids are learning basic BJJ, thai or freestyle wrestling.
Like how Tate brothers said - in negotiation , truth is somewhere in-between.
Read MoreHow it can be relationships if boths pacients have too much work and long distance ? or did he meant "friendship"?
@jprdl there has been studies where hotter the girl, more toxic and deillusional the girl is haha, but yes, one motivator it is- to gain more SMV and open doors for highier SMV women, but for me main factor is probably childhood poor conditions and illusions on female nature that connected with my experience that clicked also thanks to the red pill community.
@carnold03 yup, instincts. As cave age ended, males got physical advantages for survival as women got manipulative advantages. As my Guru said - dont even participate in conversation with women, communication is not mens field where subjectivity is involved - they will crush you with experience from young age where they commonly got information "how-to" from mothers and female friends from young age.
@FAWK my 10 cents voting for k-1 and muay thai + BJJ or freestyle wrestling.
Greetings Gentlemen,
Got info from source that British bishop Richard Williamson told regarding current war -> World war, hunger (due to artificial food shortage claims + biggest corn, wheat export shortages from most popular at the moment countries + shortage of fertilizers), NWO coming perhaps, wtf is that shit with one world government utopia? China v.2. with credit rating system and microchips planted behind skin and punishment is good idea or smth?
@revenant I mentioned "subjective" as topics that are meaningless for debates as women communicate, for example, from emotional standpoint that is hard or impossible to object.
of course we beat subjective matters in the long run if actions are objectively addressed.
since 2019.