1y ago  The Hub
Trillionaire Admin


Ironically the girls that finally convinced me of this, I did not meet them on Old, I met them in person and they just happened to have Old

1y ago  The Hub
Trillionaire Admin


Solid analysis

Sad that every few months i find a new absolute deal breaker that seems inoccious enough but ends up being a blanket deal breaker for me. I'll fuck a girl from old but that's it

1y ago  The Hub


I absolutely adore some of the Christian women energy. So soft and kind yet convicted.

Tradthots and I'm just not haaaaappyyyyy! have entered the chat but hopefully not your DMs.

I'm not out to dunk on sincerely felt and practiced faith; rather cautioning that it's no magic woman-fixing bullet or panacea.

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1y ago  The Hub

@Kevin When did Wired turn so generalized and mainstream? I still have some early issues around, and remember when it was cutting edge tech with a Cyberpunk flavor, and bland/conservative only next to publications like bOINGbOING and Mondo2000. Now I see milquetoaste non-tech articles like this and "What is the highly contagious mystery disease killing America's dogs?" in the (unrequested) browser recommendations.

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