1mo ago TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Alright man I'm going to build a marble shrine for her when i get home.
Lol that gave me a good chuckle, you heathen.
4w ago The Dark Winter
Just do the right thing and convert to Islam.
Save your soul. The west is barbaric and immoral.
4w ago The Hub
"Instead, the women married those that didn't buy them anything"
Lolz the RP is going global.
4w ago The Dark Winter
Your ancestry is paganistic and sucks.
Guilt and sin run in your veins.
Do good by your progeny and set them on the right path.
In any case, it is more likely that you won't have a progeny and if you do, they will likely convert.
4w ago The Dark Winter
I bear no guilt for my ancestors making a lower order of human subservient.
lol I got you in the act. You are indeed of lower stock and should be treated accordingly.
As of rape? Your nations are busy normalizing faggotry and pedophilia. You are in no position to criticize the occasional idiot rapist. Where I'm from we execute them.
As for criticizing progressives... you are indeed stupid and an Untermensch. Your ruling class has totally got you.
The battle is not left vs. right, white vs. black, Muslim vs. Pagan ... the battle is Up vs. Down.
Its Rulers vs. Serfs.
And if you still haven't figured this out, then perhaps your ruling class (and the jews that rule over them) are right. Your parasitical "race" (if there is such a thing) does not deserve to exist.
4w ago The Dark Winter
@carnold03 has once again elegantly put it in the most simple of terms.
Your sophistry is shallow.
The battle is not left vs. right, white vs. black, Muslim vs. Pagan ... the battle is Up vs. Down. Its Rulers vs. Serfs.
3w ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma still peddling Mossad bullshit?
Did everything I tell escape you? Or you're just too dumb?
3w ago 5th Generation War
I want you to stop complaining and pay your dues.
Your enemies are not some displaced foreigners from abroad. Your enemies are the elites that are looking to enslave you and much of the planet.
So we have the same enemy, but you still fall for their tricks and peddle their bullshit.
They control both sides of the argument.