4y ago  Financial Independence

@xxxmersenne Nice I like the sound of that, will try something like that. @MentORPHEUS holy shit that is insane. What's a B&M business?

4y ago  Financial Independence

@Shortbull Crabs in a bucket mentality. People like this are best attrited to the fringes of your social circle moving forward.

I started my business in my early 30s, people were generally more supportive but there were a few like you described. There's just no fixing that kind of relationship. On the flip side, becoming a business owner was a massive SMV boost even when I was still new and broke as fuck. Not only direct IOIs but Moms trying to push their daughters on me. Mine was a B&M business, results may vary with less conspicuous online businesses.

4y ago  Financial Independence

Does anyone get 'shamed' for trying to be successful? I am currently a business owner with two of my close friends and it seems a lot of people I know are sour about it. I don't parade it, hell its not even made any money yet after nearly two years, but I am not sure whether it is because I am 20 or whether people just hate on success regardless of age. Like people who were previously skinny and start lifting get comments about getting jacked

4y ago  Ask TRP

Does anyone ever feel like they can't live up to the 'mystery' or image you represent to women? In my bio for tinder I say I am a business owner and I think I have some decent pictures, my friend is a photographer and managed to get some good shots. I've had a lot of attention after updating them, and longer conversations after consciously being vague and not giving information.

For example, my business is a yet to have a first client but all the groundwork is laid down. They don't know that, and if they ask specifics they'll see I'm no Bill Gates, and because my pictures are good I often think when they see me in real life they will be expecting more. I'm not taking the piss and catfishing but it feels like I painted the best picture of myself that now they'll be expecting exactly what they have been imagining

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4y ago  TheRedPill

@GayLubeOil only reason they are like weak men is because they go weak for cake

4y ago  Young Chadawans

I made this for young guys looking to discuss game, TRP and other aspects of life,

4y ago  Ask TRP

@SonofRedPill Thanks for the response. What you said resonated actually, I do feel like that could be true. Will keep at it and try to up my weight. Cheers

4y ago  Ask TRP

@Shortbull you sound like your doing good but you have some self defeating beliefs and rationalizations. I think in reality you subconsciously feel you aren

4y ago  The Hub

@PFD2 In that case I would be gay for four hours. Crazy bullshit.

4y ago  TRP London

@ZenPhase How long did you train before? I started BJJ around a year ago and the benefits have been profound for my fitness, self confidence and passion for an actual hobby. I have done around 10 Muay Thai 10 lessons and it is something I would like to do more this year as it is actual striking

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