3y ago  The Hub

@destraht The tinkle in the throat sounds about right. Had an annoying itchy sensation about a week ago but thought it was an allergic reaction to second hand smoke. Something similar happened last summer that legitimately made me have shortness of breath but I had no accompanying fever and my taste and smell were still present. This is kind of the opposite. Slightly inflamed throat but no tightness. Hopefully it stays tight-free. The turmeric is a good idea. Had a pot of it boiling right now with some cumin.

3y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@TheStoicCrane You were carrying on about being a loser in gym. Just take it easy man. Seriously. If you must then do a bunch of low intensity stuff. Also figure out what your heart is up to. Some seriously badass people just drop dead sometimes after their heart swells. It is something that happens with many viruses, so it's just a normal thing sometimes. Don't die by not dying. Knowing what is going on with you, take it the fuck easy. This virus isn't worthy of us destroying civilization for, but it doesn't mean that it's not a thing.

3y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 How's your sense of smell and taste now? It's absolutely nuts. 4 days ago had a scratchy throat and didn't think much of it. Just yesterday all of a sudden couldn't taste or smell anything. Have some minor swelling in my throat and voice is slightly deeper but as for side affects unrelated to smell and taste it is like a nasty cold.

No vomiting, no shits. Just a little bit of pressure in my forehead and neck. These fringe affects on my senses are messing with me and my appetite though.

3y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@TheStoicCrane I believe that I had it something like 2-3 months ago. It's cold and boring as fuck now so my sense of time is totally skewed. So I have my ritual of making a strong green tea. I sprinkle in tons of tumeric, black pepper and a bit of red pepper, then honey. Well I couldn't taste fuck all for about two days. I kind of thought about it but just said ok whatever. Either before or after I had a medium tickle in the top of my throat, not even lungs. I was talking with my father and he carried about on about shit about oxygen censors and stuff. I was in denial but objectively it probably sounded quite odd even though it wasn't anything like a pneumonia sounding vibe. Then basically some days later or so my bowels went to total garbage. I've had giardia so many goddamn times and it smelled just terrible like that. Foul sulfur nastiness. My bowels were garbage for a week and not getting better. I wasn't in any danger though. Antibiotics here cost like $0.50 for a cycle so I got on that but they get you with the probiotics on the backside for like $5. That fixed it up. I then did another anti and pro biotic cycle like a month later because some weird conditions had returned but to a lesser extent. Ever since then I've been pretty good. Oh though, I keep a hoard of hippy bacteria sourced vitamins, etc so when I feel off I start popping them like a Karen until I'm over it all. After all of that I died.

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3y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv This is what I'm fearful of to be honest. Not good.

3y ago  The Hub

@drake What about your taste? That shit's terrifying for a lack of a better phrase.

3y ago  The Hub

Anyone here infected with Covid 19 experience any taste or smell problems and did it go away?

3y ago  The Hub

@INNASKILLZ2K20 Unfortunately people have been conditioned to think that the only place where they can learn is in a "class-like" setting. Little do the realize the what one teaches themselves is infinitely more valuable than what one can learn in stilted classes with absolutely random people who have next to no investment in them as individuals.

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3y ago  The Hub


There is a point where you'll hit true ORM's, and the body can't keep backing it up session after session with progression. Otherwise, dudes would just keep adding weight every session to oblivion.

Man I wish we could though. Every guy who half cared about his strength committed to the gym would be a lumbering Hulk! That'd be fun! Unfortunately the body has it's physical limits. Just trying to exceed mine before my body gets too old to, you know?

This is why I don't agree with guys who say 'progressive overload EVERY SESSION'. There is a point where you'll hit true ORM's, and the body can't keep backing it up session after session with progression.

Exactly! Neurologically the fatigue carries over and impacts the brain's ability to fire impulses on cue for strong muscle contractions. Think something about tapering in Mark Rippetoe's , "A Practical Guide To Strength Training".

Some of the dudes he programmed were able to get their squats in the 400-500lbs range! I'd be happy to hit 400lbs 1RM then hypertrophy train at 75% of it for 10 reps to build some nice quads.

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3y ago  The Hub

@whiteindia That's fair, generalizations tend to be inaccurate, but using the generalization "all" fails to dismiss his underlying point. Complete faithfulness in relationships are illusory.

A guy can have his game and affairs in order and drastically diminish the risk of unfaithfulness but it's perpetually present in spite of it all.

The guy in the video did a piss poor job expressing this point but viewers should be intelligent enough to discern it without turning into snowflakes just because he called women "sluts" or "whores". People get so emotional over trivial words.

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