1y ago  TheRedPill


Did he divorce her

I don't remember. I don't think so, because he wanted to be in his kids' lives. Having kids can complicate matters.

Sounds like a cuck to me.

Not at all.

A cuck is someone who lets his wife fuck other men, but still treats her like a wife.

This dude demoted her to a plate. Do you know what that means? It means she was nothing more to him than just some chick he fucks occasionally. Whether they were still married on paper because he didn't want to go through the bullshit with the courts is largely irrelevant when he was fucking multiple other women.

I've preached this to other guys on here all the time, but if a woman is just a plate, you don't care what she does.

If you care what she does, she's more than a plate.

Anyway, it seems my use of parentheses fucked up my tag of him, but it's his story to tell (and I'm not sure I remember the details anyway), so why not ask him? Tag @theultimatecad.

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1y ago  The Hub

@fumbor what else is on your mind today?

1y ago  The Hub

@Fawking_Gay not really

1y ago  The Hub

@jprdl this. I am a fragrance lover, have quite a lot of them. There are some which smell very masculine and the soy boy from the feminist parade won't be able to get away with it.

1 1
1y ago  The Hub

@adam-l it will not stink if the smell is good. It might smell a tiny bit different or last a bit less but there won't be huge changes.

1y ago  The Hub

@prejudiced_porridge you haven't been "cured" from "blue pill", boi.

But go ahead and try. At some point you will find out the hard way

1y ago  TheRedPill

@deeplydisturbed Kevin Samuels is unfortunately dead. I think he died from cancer

1y ago  TheRedPill


Some of them (such as @theultimatecad) end up demoting their wives to plate.

That doesn't sound very healthy. Did he divorce her or just allowed her to fuck other guys while being married to him? Sounds like a cuck to me.

Don't start with bullshit like "she won't fuck other guys if she's a plate and she likes you". We all know that's not true and will never be especially after marriage.

1y ago  TheRedPill

@throwthatspiral man are you the same guy who posted about the exact same thing on trp sub?

Honestly I think we used to fuck the same woman, latina living in Europe. She has no kids and is married to an European guy.

She did the exact same thing with me but differently than you, she ended up giving me a rim job after I told her to fuck off with ultimatums and get the fuck out of my place. Lmao

1y ago  The Hub

So they already started rigging Arizona?

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