11mo ago  Tech Talk



I would fuck this chick so hard brah.

I would cum inside her ass and then eat it out of it just to spit it back in her ass repeatedly.

11mo ago  Tech Talk

@firmware_pimp It can be a very cool effect to zoom out this far when traveling between zones to give the large world scope. It can also look cool to toggle between these zoom levels. Maybe there are monsters afar that can be easily seen by toggling in instead of panning. That also opens up possibilities of variable fog of war that greatly increases the design space.

11mo ago  Tech Talk

@destraht Hmmm interesting point about the zoom-level. The game is intended to be something like a beat-em-up.

Yeah this is meant as in-game footage. My thinking is that I wanted trees as cover, to trigger enemy aggro only when the player is visible.

11mo ago  Tech Talk

@firmware_pimp I like the art style.

It seems too zoomed out to make for a good interactive experience, but it would be great for exploring a large world that can at times be somewhat empty. It would likely need to zoom in for conflict zones.

I'm just wondering how this character is going to be walking behind the trees and in that world if this is meant to be game footage. Or is it a cut scene?

11mo ago  Tech Talk

Sacrifice scene

11mo ago  Tech Talk

Look for some feedback and criticism for artwork that I commissioned for a game

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11mo ago  Tech Talk

@MentORPHEUS This episode is fairly interesting. Related: Geoff Hinton has come out with some concerns with AI, and I think he knows what he's talking about. Also, PJ Reddie, the developer of Yolo, basically quit research for similar reasons around 3-4 years ago.

I have some intimate knowledge of this field, maybe I will expand on this topic in a longer post.

11mo ago  Conspiracy

@firmware_pimp Someone or something has been putting my comment posts at exactly 1 point. I'd watch a post slowly drop from 5-10 points down to 1 point and then just stay there only ever fluctuating between 1 and 2. It's happened many times in the last few months or so. This exact thing never happened before that.

The psychological point of that is to create complete alienation. This would be the most effective against people with a feminine mentality. Negative points says that you've struck a nerve somehow, and positive that your sentiment is echoed. A post being put at 1 and kept there would at surface level convey no information at all, which causes a feminine mind to panic due to it triggering the tribal abandonment instinct which states that if nobody is gossiping to you then you've been abandoned by the tribe.

The exact mechanism for this to be done via external tools is simply to continually apply downvotes just slower than the update duration of the caching servers so that it is never hit too hard. If it's being done internally then are countless ways to do it.

As a side note, one thing that used to happen a lot back in the days 10-15+ years ago is that a post would get hard slammed down to -40 points. They would always back off at that point. -40 was always the hard line. In particular this tactic seemed to mostly have been used by whomever was "protecting Jews". It was a crude cannon that conveyed too much information to be maximally effective.

I fairly recently encountered this hard -40 limit again when I wrote about how HR is not your friend (and the gayery of most office life).

In Conclusion: There are different tools used for different psychological objectives; 1) Highly negative means get the hell out of here because nobody likes you, 2) slightly negative means that you're unpopular and do not command any actionable consensus, and 3) no reaction flat-line means nobody even cares about you enough to bother (because you're an invisible maggot who should fake suicide to cry out for help). I suspect that we'll start to see more of the later 3).

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11mo ago  Conspiracy

One additional point: I posted this idea on reddit, I forget where (maybe showerthoughts) but it was deleted faster than I've ever seen anything else get deleted.

This was beyond the treatment they give to the red pill subreddits. I mean they allow those to slide but give them warning labels. Discussing the fact that we're inside a training set is a bit too 4th-wall, I guess.

Of course reddit is a giant piece of shit, and everyone knows this, but I was still kind of flattered that they considered this idea to be so dangerous that it had to go immediately.

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11mo ago  Conspiracy

The training set is for YOU

There's a lot of concern about AI out there lately, and I want to mention something related. If you have done anything with machine-learning, you will be familiar with the concept of a training set. A training set is a list of questions with known answers, used to train an AI.

Lots of people think that reddit or whatever other social-media site is meant to monitor them, and to train an AI on their data. I believe this is partially true, and is still happening, but there's something else happening.

You don't need to see up-votes for BigCorp to steal your data. The fact that they are showing you the up-votes implies that there is a reason. The reason: your monkey brain needs to be exposed to the 'Oracle's ranking' of every possible thought or phrase. Then you can correctly be trained to reflect the opinion of the oracle.

Now you are the AI being trained.

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