3y ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
FDS Dinner Donor


At least someone around here does some actual work.

3y ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
Urban Hoe Guerrilla

@deeplydisturbed Actual work? What does that look like?

3y ago  The Hub

@goodmansaysfuckyou True. Women only approach and be openly communicative to guys who are way above their league. Usually, they reserve open communication as the last option. They would rather drop hints all day until they get fed up.

3y ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed Well said. TRP is a rite of passage ceremony for modern times. It is not the end goal.

3y ago  The Hub


It was a power-play.

Exactly. These guys are trying to determine the frame in which the conversation as to take place and no matter what you do to qualify yourself, it will not be enough. This is what post-wall women do to betas. To think that this is what male interactions have devolved to is depressing and is also a testament to the dominant global frame. Make no mistake, these guys are qualifying themselves to something. They are trying to stand out hoping that they will get better attention.

3y ago  TheRedPill


I appreciate the compliment, but there are a few powerhouse men here.

I never knew @redpillschool before I came here, but suffice it to say he is a formidable intellect - as are @typo-MAGAshiv, @moorekom, and @GoodManSaysFuckYou. I don't mean to leave off others, I just happen to know these guys well enough to vouch for their contributions here and elsewhere.

Poke around. There are many good men here.

3y ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed Your flair here pleases me.

3y ago  The Hub
3y ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair

@Typo-MAGAshiv @moorekom

Yeah go ahead. Yuck it up. Have your fun. But when....

Well, I don't have an answer.

But when I do you had better look out!

3y ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair


You would think that after the great "Dinner Roll" fiasco of 2018 I would learn to keep my mouth shut about flair.

But noooOOOoo.

Me not so smart.

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