2y ago  The Hub

@kend you’re never gonna get economically ahead in a 3rd world country, move to the first world, learn English. work your dick off and don’t look up for 10 years.

1 4
2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss they also banned games during the school week. China is based.

2y ago  The Hub

@Initial-Glove who do you follow?

2y ago  The Dark Winter

@neo_ That's why they keep the us v them fight going.

When we fight with each other we don't pay attention to the people pulling the strings.

2y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@arakouzo idk if you’re on crypto Twitter but it seems like it’s already bursting. Why tf would you buy NFTs when you can buy BTC

2y ago  The Dark Winter

@redpillschool agreed. Hypothetically it would be much better to direct that violent energy towards TPTB

1 1
2y ago  The Dark Winter

@TiberiusBravo87 I believe you but would appreciate source

2y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 I stopped going to the gym in March 2020, from there I picked up some kettlebells and built a pull-up station at my house. Did body weight exercises for most of the past year.

Now I’m paying $100 / month to go to a nice gym. Brand new amenities. and I like the demographics there; the guys are there to train and the girls are hot. Going there puts me in a better mindset than when I’m doing kettle bell swings on my porch.

4 1
2y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine can’t tell if srs

2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss has to be at least 2/3 IMO

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