1y ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Trillionaire Shitlord

@IBelieveInTheFallen I fukken love watching sex monopoly. All the hotels have hookers in them. Tetris with sex is a bit too geometrical for me to maintain a boner to be honest but it still is a bit of a thrill to start off with.

I'm suprised you like that one site more than www.boardgamestodistractfromthefactthatyourmalecousindidntsaynohomobeforeblowingyouandyoualsocamewithoutsayingnohomoinreturn.com

1y ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Trillionaire Shitlord

@IBelieveInTheFallen okay, so they weren't chad and Brad then. I feel better knowing they were just AFC's trying to be lobsters in a bucket, or whatever that thing Roller Tomsi said "Rationalizing Men"

Also, you should dm me your sister's number then, but that would make me a Beta right? She probably is some other guy's plate now, dang it

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1y ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Trillionaire Shitlord

@IBelieveInTheFallen I know right? I hate when they cover up them jiggly rolls and cottage cheese legs. They're deprivating us when they do that.

Who they are on the inside matters, I get off on what's on the inside especially when it's virtue signaling self-righteousness that they have on the inside, right past 3 layers of fat that is.

I don't care if this is an ad, it's the truth. A girl I was seeing once said she lost a few pounds in a week and it disgusted me to my core. It sickened me how she sacrificed her beauty like that for "health"

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