2y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

Day 1: Good day. No video games, no porn. A little bit mindless scrolling, but not nearly as much as I usually do, so that's also a huge win. Writing this half an hour before 22pm. Will meditate, then final preperations before sleep then bed. Did a walk that turned into a run. didn't really measure anything, just enjoyed being outside listening to good music. Overall very good start of the challenge.

Tommorow is gym day. WILL UPDATE TOMMOROW.

2y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

Jumping on the bandwagon 30 day challenge #1:

  1. Sleep - entering bed and going to sleep at 22pm and waking up at 6am. No reading in bed, if I want to read, I'll do it before.
  2. Physical Activity - Exercising everyday in some shape or form. Plan is 3 times a week gym, 3 times 15 minutes run, last day 30 minutes walk.
  3. Meditation - Meditating everyday for at least 10 minutes. Currently will be done in the evening but I plan on rescheduling it to the mornings right after waking up.

Additional goals - Abstain from video games, porn and mindlessly scrolling youtube, my three biggest time and energy sinks. REPLACE them by reading (re-reading) the red-pill sidebar and core redpill material. Adding this challenge to my home page tabs so I won't forget updating it. Will update DAILY.


2y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

30 Day for August:

Keep up walking. I've walked nearly every day this sunmer on vacation and would like to continue daily walks when I get home.

3y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

@redpillschool doing a mix of things. What I've noticed is that if I run out of calories early, I break the diet. I run on tea/coffee until 2pm, and then start counting calories from there. By the time I go to bed, I have about 100 or less left in my budget.

Minimizing the amount of discipline needed is key. Some people resist eating what they want all day, when they've never been disciplined in their lives, and inevitably fail. Chugging tea and having larger meals later in the day eliminates this.

3y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

@MustardSeed definitely consider OMAD or extended fasting

3y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

I decided recently that I wanted to lose weight. Done being a fat fucker.

I implemented the tips from the book Atomic Habits, by James Clear, to be able to run 60 minutes, at a full pace, without stopping or panting. After incrementing 1-2 minutes / day, I'm at 50 minutes. A few more days and I will reach my cardio goals.

I'm now challenging myself to build up habits with calorie counting. You can't outrun a bad diet, so it's worth making counting calories a habit until eating smaller portion sizes becomes a habit.

I'm using Noom, which has a free library of foods to help count calories. If you want to join, any library is a good tool to make this easier.

3y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

Okay, next day follow-up here. 3rd of July, 10 am here. Yesterday night, I forgot brushing. The morning was a disaster; my mouth smelled like a garbage truck. Do not recommend. Anyways, ate breakfast, went to gym, worked out (I'm in dire need of diet and workout, so I'm not stepping down from these in any way) and I'm at work now. My mouth begs for toothpaste at the moment, so about to brush them teeth about now.

Motivated to do more, and do better. Life sucks a little less when you push yourself for being even slightly better every day. Yes it's too long again, thanks for bearing with me. Toodles.

3y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

Hey, fresh here. Noticed that I need to work on my discipline level, and hygiene too, so I'm opening my own 30-day challenge: hygiene discipline. Yeah, self-challenge on hygiene, so ambitious (!), I know. Still, I'd update daily. It will be my day 1, so my target today is brushing my teeth twice a day, without getting lazy about it. Showers and clean clothes are awesome, but I'm catastrophically lazy about brushing my teeth. I know, I'm odd. It's 3 pm now, and I already skipped the morning brush, so yeah... Okay, this guy gotta go and brush his long-neglected teeth. Toodles.

4y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

The challenge : 30 day with no Social medias ( Snapchat, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram )

The rules : dating apps are authorized only at a rate of 30 minutes per day. YouTube should be part of the mix because it's just as much of a time killer but if it's for personal development it will be tolerated. You can text/call people if it's necessary.

The purpose : This is to dissociate yourself from this mass BS validation abomination. You need to spend 30 days with no noise. Think back on your life, how many hours have you been spending on those stupid platforms in the last 365 days ? If you had to multiply those hours by the average salary for a part time job in your region of the world, how much many would you have in your pocket to invest ? What business could you start with those free hours ? How much more financial freedom would it bring ? How much more in shape would you be right now ? How would your diet look like ? How much time would you spend actually improving your overall life ? That's the damn purpose of this challenge

Now mind you with all that is happening in the world, it's the PERFECT time to invest in yourself and get ready to ride the wave of the economic boom that will happen after.

Work on your SHIT my Gs,

Lkay - Out

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4y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

Let’s say today is day 8

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