5y ago  Stoicism

The results of our actions are not always completely in our power, but our ability to take action one way rather than another always is. Find happiness in the process of striving for excellence, not the outcome.

"The excellent archer does all within her power to shoot well, and she recognizes that doing her best is the best she can do. The Stoic archer strives to shoot excellently, and will not be disappointed if she shoots well but fails to hit the center of the target."

5y ago  Stoicism

@TacticalNuke In that order, no doubt.

5y ago  Stoicism

@jefcostello Got it professionally translated to the following :"gemma sine affrictu expoliri non potest, necnon homo sine laboribus perfectus potest"

5y ago  Stoicism

@Dzire How that translates into latim?

5y ago  Stoicism

Got this (in latin) tattooed on my chest. To me, it serves as a reminder that the difficulties we go through, and more importantly - overcome, make us better men. Every hurdle that comes your way is a chance to learn and improve yourself. You will be tested, and you will fail. Recognize what led to the failures and turn them into future successes.

5y ago  Stoicism

"A gem is not polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials" - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

5y ago  Stoicism

Since TRP is about action, I would argue Ward Farnsworth's book, "The Practicing Stoic: A Philosophical User's Manual" is a great read for anyone curious about stoicism.

5y ago  Stoicism

@Cynic_In_Recovery Learn, Share, Debate. Pick your poison.

5y ago  Stoicism

What would a Stoic do with a forum like this one...

5y ago  Stoicism

@Bilskee the button just below the three lines in my picture

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