4y ago  Stoicism

@redpillschool helps if I use more words lol. how do we view sidebar stickied or tribe saved material*. I dont see "tribal texts" or anything that is pinned to a tribe after viewing the sidebar. Are all saved itemsput together under user blogs ? Maybe my phone isnt loading something.

4y ago  Stoicism

4y ago  Stoicism

@TheStoicCrane You're absolutely right. I forgot to include that while not a Stoic himself, some of the concepts Watts talks about overlap with Stoicism. Thanks for pointing that out.

4y ago  Stoicism

@Bilskee Click this button top right corner:

4y ago  Stoicism

@TacticalNuke how do we view the sidebar on mobile ? Or is that something that's in the works ?

4y ago  Stoicism

@TacticalNuke I love Watts's material but he comes across as more of an Eastern inspired existentialist than a Stoic. He loved his alcoho to the point of death & had no qualms with pleasure seeking.

4y ago  Stoicism

I'm linking important Stoic resources and literature to the sidebar aka "Tribal Texts". If anyone has any reccommendations please comment with a URL.

4y ago  Stoicism

This quote has struck me. Because of how accurate it is

4y ago  Stoicism

@dropkickPUA the enchridion, discourses or the manual by epictetus (different names for the same material), meditations by marcus aurelius. I'd also recommend how to think like a Roman emperor by Donald robertson. He covers a great amount of depth and understanding of stoicism.

4y ago  Stoicism

@dropkickPUA Since the big 3 have already been mentioned (Marcus, Seneca, & Epictetus), I'll go ahead and recommend Alan Watts. He was a modern philosopher (died in 1973) and master orator. His deep study of Christianity, Zen Buddhism, and many other religions allowed him to draw similarities and many interesting conclusions about the human condition and consciousness. His public lectures were usually packed and his weekly radio broadcast was widely popular. Luckily for us, many of his books and audio of his lectures can be found online. Also, "Alan Watts Chillstep" seems to be a particularly popular Youtube music genre.

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