BTrack's Blog

TRP Rises
Published 10/03/19 by BTrack [0 Comments]

It's been a while since I have decided write a blog post here on this blog. My last post, The Red Pill Needs a Viable Backup dove into what I saw as huge problems in the longevity of the TRP community.

I was concerned that, with such a heavy reliance on a platform hell bent on getting rid of us, that when the ban hammer eventually falls the community could be scattered.

Over the past week we had just a scare, the Reddit admins gave notice that they were going to be removing the TRP subreddit from the site. What ensued was what can only be described as a mad rush to get users migrated over here to before the inevitable.

Now, I must congratulate redpillschool on the fantastic work that has been done to this site, bringing it up to a standard that was way beyond my expectations. He has put in a serious amount of work behind the scenes to get all of this up and running and I must commend his efforts.

Having not seen the new site, I was very concerned before that there was no viable backup to the TRP subreddit, and no hub that we collectively owned as a community. This new site I am glad to say has swatted aside and given me hope that not only will TRP continue, but that it will flourish.

Over the past few days we have seen this site explode in users. Tribes have been popping up left and right, and the site is bustling with new content and discussion - which is fantastic.

It's a sharp contrast to the old site, which is anyone remembers, was a ghost town devoid of life.

TRP has risen from the ashes, and this new community is giving a new life to TRP which I have never before seen.

We had an active community on the subreddit before, but here we have an entirely different sense of community which simply wasn't possible on Reddit.

I don't think I'm the only one to notice the more cohesive atmosphere that has developed here over the past few days. Over the coming weeks and months, as we continue to onboard new users and the new forums are unveiled, I expect this will only continue to improve.

TRP has risen.

Tip BTrack for their post.
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