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Circles of concern
Published 05/06/16 by Shanksnes [0 Comments]

It was in Steve Covey's “7 habits of highly effective people”, that I first encountered the term – circle of concern; The discussion was predominantly on not focusing on things that we cannot change or have no power over. But I think it's a good metaphor to understand something more relevant to my unplugging.

The redpill vision

Given redpill, now what? That's the most important question that anyone who's unplugged and wants to improve his life should ask himself, after a few months of wandering in the dark jungle called the manosphere. My life situation is unique to me, and thus I can only answer this question for myself.
And the answer is pretty simple – to have a harem of 4 girls at a time. Their will be 2 plates getting a day each, a mistress getting two days, and a harem queen getting one weekday and the weekends. Every 3 months, i'll drop off the queen and promote the mistress to the top. One of the plates will be promoted too. And i'll find a new plate. In any case, I'll keep gaming on the side.
But this is a logistical answer to the question. Where do I want to be emotionally? It's kinda complicated, but it's clear from my previous words, that the queen will have a lot of chemistry with me. So on a macro sense, I want to have intimate relationships with women, without the fear and the scarcity of monogamy.

Believing redpill women

Do you take dating advice from red pill women? Replace the question. Would you take dating advice from other women who don't know about redpill? If no, then why would you take that from red pill women?
Because you falsely assume that redpill women have your interests in their mind, just because they are redpill aware. Because you falsely assume that anyone at all, has your interests in their mind. We experience reality through our own egos, and are blind to other experiences; Your circle of concern doesn't factor other people's worries, hopes and aspirations. So why should they do so for you?
Women aren't concerned with giving you good dating advice because, firstly their sexual strategy is antagonistic to ours, and secondly it's impossible for them to empathize with the male experience just as it is impossible for us to do so with them.

Loving the liar

And yet, I still want to love women - Why am I this stupid? Because i'm a man. A dominant man is a man who is above women. He is a mountain above the feminine ocean. The ocean may belch and shriek, but the mountain won't move; The ocean will adjust itself for the mountain and not the other way round. The mountain won't move, but will always keep gazing down lovingly at the ocean.
My sexual strategy is to spread my seed in as many women as possible. But to also care for them, to protect them and nurture them once the deed is done. This is evolution by natural selection – to conquer and then care. That is my instinct as a man. Notice that it doesn't matter if the woman loves me. Once a woman becomes my woman, i care about her forever.
The point is our circle of concerns are different, and we only care about our own circle. I love women, but that doesn't mean i'm ignorant of blue pill naivety. And if you look at my vision, it's a pragmatic one. It includes plate spinning, and there's always someone to replace the queen. If I can do this, all of my plates will constantly find their guts churning in competitive anxiety. This is not purple pill hippy shit. Above all things, the woman will provide me good sex, or she will be dropped off. And i've no obligation to her happiness anything beyond my affection needs.

The white knights and moralists

What is their circle of concern? Well, more or less the same – fucking a lot of women. Their high moral ground and idealism is merely a cocktail of fear mixed with status signaling - Chivalry is just wolf in sheep's skin. Since I know what their real motives are, will I give a fuck at all? Won't even give them a minute's time.


Society doesn't want me to get laid too much, just the right amount. So that it operates in an optimum capacity of population, and men produce goods and services as a way of peacocking their own value. This social imperative is very effective and scales well – Monogamy being the byproduct. This is directly antagonistic with my own circle of concern, and thus i'm going to actively go against it. Cold approach women on streets, since it's not supposed to be done. Fuck wives since that's taboo. Date age inappropriate when i'm old, cause really, I care more about my cock then somebody else's. If I let society dictate my desires beyond the social contract of liberty, I am fucked. Not gonna happen.

Self primacy

An aspect of your self primacy is to clearly define your circle of concern and subordinate other's below your own. Once you do that, you start living life for yourself. You develop an internally referenced value system, and complete your frame. This is what i'm working on, and hope to improve.
[This is reproduced from my blogspot blog post. The Full post is right here, and the link is just for completeness; You needn't navigate away to that.]
Tip Shanksnes for their post.
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