1d ago  The Hub


And whatever drugs get pushed.

I mean, there are now top psychotherapists, like Irvin Yalom and David Burns, that call out Big Pharma for pushing their drugs.

The antidepressants, that are taken en masse, have only proven effective for serious depression, and they are worthless for mild to average cases.

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1d ago  The Hub


It's ok and wonderful when she's dependent on her shrink.

And whatever drugs get pushed.

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1d ago  The Hub


content policy

Oh shit, I almost forgot to post my favorite reply whenever someone mentions the content policy:


1d ago  The Hub

@OPStolen are you sure the smell isn't what caused the vomiting?

1d ago  The Hub


Cropped out the study and sent it to some females.

I'm going to try this on a few.

1d ago  The Hub

Fucked up the formatting. Fuck it, not deleting and reposting.

1d ago  The Hub


the puzzle (why women perform so poorly) is far from solved.

Hell, it's not even that complex.

Their spacial reasoning fucking sucks, even the ones who are somewhat grounded in reality.

Ever watch women parallel park? The only woman I've ever seen who didn't absolutely suck at it was my grandmother. I've never seen another woman parallel park worth a shit.

Ever watch a kids' dodgeball game? Girls are terrible at it.

This is also why [they suck at estimating height, distance etc]( www.forums.red/p/whereareallthegoodmen/275761/fatty_with_height_standards_is_terrible_at_guessing_height_t)

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1d ago  The Hub


Christians and Mulsims united with the same goal:

Jews in Mars!

1d ago  The Hub


I think the solution to jewosh problem is the one the Muslims devised for centuries.

Keep them under your thumb, restrict their access and make them pay Jizya.

Until the early 20th century, the oriental jews were surprisingly well behaved.

The european ones, not so much.

That past caliphate and varying western imperial leaders were of like minds on this topic reads as more of an endorsement to work towards the goal of resettling them all on Mars, than anything I could have said otherwise alone. As we're Muslim and Christian respectively, I believe, if what we're informed regarding technology and space travel are true, we have a viable goal before us that provides benefits for all participating and affected by. The only thing preventing us from working towards it is our determination to refine the idea into a plan our people can get behind and maintain the momentum to see through to fruition.

cc: @Ill_Will7

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1d ago  The Hub


That's why I like to call them "beautiful retards"

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