1mo ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma still peddling Mossad bullshit?
Did everything I tell escape you? Or you're just too dumb?
1mo ago 5th Generation War
Lionsmane8 replied to your status
1mo ago 5th Generation War
A diabolical spirit of malevolence works to convince the barbarian to attack. A spiritual battle wages against both people’s, but only the truly civilised can conquer the malevolent spirit and condemn the voices to the void. Those who are thusly civilised bare the responsibility of carrying the spirit of perseverance against the barbarians until such a time as salvation may be recognised.
Or an easily digestible meme.
1mo ago 5th Generation War
@First-light I'm unsure if he is capable of seeing the nuance. I think he probably is, but for ease of argument, doesn't want to. The waters are further muddied by conflating the people and the government, but that's a purposeful tactic in his dialectic too, which ultimately betrays the dishonesty about convincing us to his side. Knowing he has not dropped his own grievances, he will just as soon take them up against us when our partnership is over. These oblique arguments are as transparent as they are degenerate. A hand offered in friendship wouldn't demand conversion to Islam, that's a prerequisite and a sorry one at that.
1mo ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv There is no end to that depravity, I had to cut it off or the image would have been 2 terabytes of Jihadi threats.
4w ago 5th Generation War
I want you to stop complaining and pay your dues.
Your enemies are not some displaced foreigners from abroad. Your enemies are the elites that are looking to enslave you and much of the planet.
So we have the same enemy, but you still fall for their tricks and peddle their bullshit.
They control both sides of the argument.
4w ago The Dark Winter
@Vermillion-Rx So there’s dudes getting put in the slammer for posting things orders of magnitude tamer than the shit I’ve posted. If anyone comes knocking looking for me, tell ‘um you’ve never heard of me yeah?
12 weeks! 12 weeks one guy was given, reduced to 8 for pleading guilty to posting memes! It’s actually happening. Never mind it’s 2 months and he’ll be out or whatever, that dudes got a prison sentence on his record. His opportunities just got dialled way the fuck down.
So yeah, I’ll hide in the basement or attic or whatever, but if they get me, well hell they’ll have one jabrony on their hands with a lot less to lose than them!
4w ago The Dark Winter
@Vermillion-Rx Maybe? A little perhaps. I’m guessing they can use device info, I dunno if you guys have our MAC address or whatnot. If they’re really determined I’m sure they could identify me just by asking the ISP. Fuck knows.
Ah well, no intimidation! For Albion!
4w ago The Dark Winter
@Nightingayle Apologies, I missed this post. Have a meme.
4w ago The Dark Winter
@Vermillion-Rx @Stigma Here are some thoughts:
A VPN hosted in a different country would prevent your ISP from knowing your web traffic. That's useful to prevent them from tattling on you.
If you're really worried, you could spin up a virtual private server hosted in the USA (or elsewhere) and do your web browsing from a remote desktop connection.
We don't see your MAC address, but we do see your IP address. That said, if we ever got a request for information from one of those anti-free speech countries, we tell them to pound sand.