1d ago Bodybuilding
@Kloi Sounds like a good plan to me. I've trained for periods of time where I've done the big 3 but not at high volume and focused on assistance work usually at 8 reps and up. More of a bodybuilding than a strength routine. I started out training that way and have gone back to it from time to time.
1w ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv Yes, I've been to South Dakota, Kansas, and North Dakota and bought licenses with no issues. Not sure about other places but I think the course is pretty standardized now.
1w ago The Hub
@First-light When I did it ages ago, it was an all day course then you took a test. When they instituted the requirement, people born certain years and earlier didn't have to do it, and I missed it by two years I think. No field requirement, and test was pretty easy. Concealed carry on the other hand had a test at the range.
1w ago Politics
@SeasonedRP Kind of a Scooby-Doo Villain defense. "My Presidency would have worked perfectly if not for these darn KIDS!" I say Nixon WAS corrupt and authoritarian in many ways, but would rather agree to disagree than go to the mat over this topic.
For fun, here's a bit of immersion into the 1974 Zeitgeist. The movie The Exorcist is pretty tame by today's standards, but it was outlandish and shocking at the time. The Catholic Church went out of their way to condemn it, and theaters reported that ushers had to clean vomit out of the aisles between screenings. Here's a comedy record that I first heard on the Dr. Demento show circa 1980: Perfectly Clear- The Nixorcist.
1w ago Bodybuilding
@lurkerhasarisen I know how it is when traveling my man. I was shocked when the Loews in Philly and a Marriott property in Scottsdale had free weights. I suspect you'll nail that 400.
1w ago Bodybuilding
@lurkerhasarisen That is my issue too has been for a long time. Fortunately, the job I have now doesn't involve air travel, just within the state, and the city I go to the most has a gym where there's a code on the door and you can go whenever you want.
1w ago Politics
@MentORPHEUS You and @Typo-Magashiv both make good points though the Nixon one has been massively embellished by the press. Kennedy and Johnson misused government agencies many times worse than anything Nixon did, and Obama and his minions spying on Trump and the other attempts to take him out are simply in a different category of corruption altogether in terms of misusing government agencies. For some reason, the establishment wanted Nixon out and they got their wish. That playbook didn't work with Trump, and note that it wasn't just Obama-McCain and the republican establishment were fully on board and may have instigated it.
1w ago WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
@Kloi Give it a whirl, see how it goes. I had a rule against training with women but broke it for a woman I coached and dated and it went ok. We didn't train on the same equipment together but lifted at the same time, and she hit some decent numbers in meets at 123. Not ripped like these female bodybuilders but very curvaceous. Loved yanking her shorts down after workouts.
1w ago Bodybuilding
www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GWDdVMtR38 @lurkerhasarisen Lurker, this guy will get you motivated to crack that 400 pound barrier. The second deadlift shown is 688 in pounds, and it and the squat were done at IPF worlds meets, which have strict day of meet drug testing and random out of meet testing for lifters, and the IPF is an organization that hates U.S. lifters and would like nothing more than to bust one for failing a drug test. From everything I've heard, this guy was never an enhanced lifter. I met him at a drug tested meet in St. Louis where he pulled 716 at 181, and it was hard to believe someone his size could be so strong.
What's remarkable to me is that the 688 deadlift preceded the 700 squat by 25 years, so he would have been in his early to mid 50s when he did the squat. Sure, he was 25 pounds or so heavier, but a 700 squat at any age or weight is pretty impressive to me, and certainly by someone under 200 pounds who is over 50.
Read More1w ago Bodybuilding
www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrGIh84HBzg. I'd heard of this guy but hadn't seen him lift until I stumbled across this video on youtube. 705 x 4 on squat without even wearing a belt. Great technique and drug free lifter. Obviously gifted genetically.