1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief


Body language, or formally, Kinesics, is a valuable skillset that I strongly recommend all men study up on, especially those who struggle socially and seem to consistently fail to understand people and their behavior.

This has already been talked about extensively in the political socio-economic #BiteTheFace movement. The recommended way to learn how to read people is to study semi-wild street dogs in a developing country. They are much more honest than humans.

The problem is that if you don't already have these skills then it's very difficult to learn body language from pseudo-human autists who are just putting out all kinds of bizarre signals. The weirdos at the Starbucks? - They're on serotonin re-uptake inhibitors and anti-anxiety pharmaceuticals washed down with caffeine. How is someone to learn human behavior for the first time from these sub-human zombies? How is someone supposed to learn human behavior from someone who continually acts out as a silly caricature of the opposite sex? Or yet by someone who has synthesized this behavior back into their post-ironic response to it?

Burn all of that down. That is what street dogs are for. Good old fashion relating.

People don't want to hear it because selling books, or book reading courses, or workout routines sounds better to someone who doesn't actually want to change their life.

Imagine if I told you that semi-wild street dogs already exist, and that you don't need to pay me to work with them.

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1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@lurkerhasarisen I think that Transnistria is a hidden gem. My favorite saying is "If we don't die, then this is a hell of a good deal". This is the cheapest, tightest and domestically safest place that can be had in all of Europe. You can get a large pimp apartment for $35k. A pimp bachelor pad is $22k. A remodeled cheaper crasher pad is $15k. For $45k you can get a dialed in 850sqft house.

Westerners should be looking at this place for a cheap central European bail out option. For what I know, if I had $500k then spending $15-50k here is perfect just for the price point with the flexibility to have a launching pad to Africa, EU, Middle East, Russia. Really fucking nice vacations beyond your faggot-ass Tijuana whistle blowing tequila sessions. You losers. Also with just $30k then this is also great because you can't live like this anywhere else, not even close.

You could potentially choose a special part of the US to base out of, but I definitely feel safer in Transnistria than in America. The reason is that this place has already collapsed in the past, and has really gotten it's shit put together recently. Say the war in Ukraine has 350k dead. That is a lot, but it's fairly far away on the other side of the river. The cool thing about war is that people can die in huge masses fairly far away from you such that you don't even notice it. That is a ball of unlimited destruction that touches a small number of places, while societal collapse is always in your street, and every nearby city. There is no hiding from that while living amongst it. You can't ignore domestic collapse, but you can ignore war. Crazy, I know. But what the hell. #BiteTheFace

Of course things could change for the worse, but Transnistria is a crazy insane deal for the risk level. Even if a war passes through here it is unlikely to destroy too many things. The war has been confined to a tiny number of places that are fought over like death hills. However, if the concept of an apartment building being attack at some point, or a rogue artillery assault destroying dozens of houses freaks you out then this isn't the place for you.

Even when I was living in Dnepropetrosk it was amazing how little that I noticed the war against Donbas. Everything just goes on. Well, it's way the fuck farther away than that. It might seem close on the map but it's epic distances in reality.

To sum up, the destruction of war is nothing compared to the publication of its details. It makes it seem so close, and so dangerous. It's very easy to avoid it unless you're actively being herded into fighting it at the barrel of a gun. It's easy as fuck to not die in a war.

That said, a very civil place that has a war cloud over it is the perfect kind of investment. Literally like old man Rothschild said "Buy when there is blood in the streets". Better yet even when there isn't even blood, but that everyone imagines it so. You can hit that price point without the problems around that.

So the main reasons that people aren't investing here is 1) Risk uncertainty, and 2) Cultural language issues. The number 2) selling point is the best though because it gives you maximum resilience to the fucked up cultural language issues that are occurring in America.

Check out: makler.md/

Look at Tiraspol to start. Chrome is better for translating. You can find anything from hovels to palaces. For me, the presence of hovels is a good thing because it demonstrates that the country isn't over regulated to hell and back. Let someone live in a substandard hovel. What is the big deal about it? If I didn't want to raise a family then I could be more than happy living in a hovel. Some people even say that I live in a hovel now, but they can suck my cock. It's not a hovel.

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1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

You too can be a crazy son of a bitch

I've been thinking a lot about insanity lately (or embodying it depending upon who you talk to). The problem is that we don't have enough words to describe it. I'm not talking about the long-term consequences of going there and never coming back such as bi-polar, borderline, schizophrenia, etc. I'm talking about the act or process of becoming insane. There are certainly many forms of it. It's seeming to me that we're some fairly retarded people who are like Eskimos only having a few words for snow, instead of the fifty words that they need to survive.

So let's assume that you're a weak little faggot-ass beta bitch. You believed all of the stuff that your divorced mother told you, and you got along with your second grade school teacher. You began to embody everything that they told you to be, and as a result you really a completely a pathetic person because of it. If you move in any direction then it's wrong, and that is reinforced by a lifetime of teachings. You literally can't do anything. In this situation, what is the utility of complete sanity? Does it even serve the individual any longer? Also is it even serving society any longer?

I propose that in order to destroy this extremely comprehensive horrible paradigm that it is going to be necessary to become insane for a while. This insanity allows reinforced mental connections to break, to be recombined in all sorts of ways until a solution can be reached. This is something that the brain is capable of doing. This isn't fentanyl zombie walker insanity, nor is it trans night at the club insanity. Rather this sanity has a purpose, and a useful utility.

However, when you've broken out of your conditioning everything is going to be completely jumbled up in your head. Short-term coherence is not possible. This is your opportunity to become comfortable in a state of utter confusion. You've all heard of the term "safety mongers" who are people who need everything to be "safe" to a ridiculous level. Likewise a comparable form of this exists in people as normality mongering. They need everything to make sense in short order. If there is a question, then it had better be answered quickly or their anxiety will boil over becoming impotent insanity. That isn't the form of insanity that you should be after.

Rather you need to find the form of insanity where little makes sense in your head, and you don't have the answer to many things because everything that comes to mind is insane, but your somehow sane enough to comprehend that there isn't a single thing going on within you that makes any sense. This is the realization that your tangled web of lies that you call a mind is just completely bullshit. You might even say to yourself out loud I am such complete fucking bullsht".

However, it's ok. I believe that God gave us all of the insanity that we require to break the chains of oppression. Some would say that what is needed is book reading, and lifting. Those are both useful tools, but it's nothing compared to power of insanity.

Ok, so you managed to #BiteTheFace and you're quite literally looking like a completely and permanently insane person to the outside world. Ahh, but they don't know your true inner beauty, nor your strength. Importantly, if you've become insane in order to fulfill your objectives then do you actually believe that your job is going to want to continue employing you? No, they won't. So what's going to happen is that people will tell you to take mental drugs so that you can go back to being the way you were.

But is the entire point really to just be a crazy son of a bitch, and then what? It doesn't make any sense what you're talking about so what the fuck? The answer to these questions is no, except for the what the fuck part, which is yes. The purpose is to become a sane person, and a higher form of it at that. The problem though is that this is impossible for you because your currently a little mommies bitch.

What you little faggots need to be asking yourself is: How insane do I need to become in order to break the shackles of my mental slavery so that I can rebuild myself as a much more sane and complete person (on the other side of it)? The second question needs to be: Will my current circumstances afford me the necessary space to become totally batshit crazy for a moment so that I can figure this out? Most certainly you'll find that your conditions do not allow this. The extent to which you are not allowed to be a crazy bastard is exactly the extent of your slavery.

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1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Desaint You need to learn to #BiteTheFace. It's best to practice that on semi-wild street dogs, but the West pretty much doesn't allow them because then dudes would be able to get the skills that they need. So you're going to have to go to a developing country for that.

1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@redpillschool I guess that I don't even understand how someone could not be able to figure out how to lose weight. It seems so incredibly obvious as fuck as to what happened when it didn't happen.

It's almost as if you first have to learn how to #BiteTheFace first before you can know how to lose weight. Or yoga.

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1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Desaint #BiteTheFace. Capitalize the first letter of each word.

1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

This is about as close to #BiteTheFace as music gets.

Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod

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