17h ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
owned by poo

"Dutch girls must be punished for having big boobs"


17h ago  Women Behaving Badly

Crazy Karen defending her Husband's land (which happens to be under a highway right-of-way) sets homeless peoples' belongings on fire and tries to set THEM on fire. The homeless people act much more rational and coherent than the woman. After much nonsensical Sovtard-sounding rambling, Pyro Karen gets arrested.


Reply To financehardo420 - Banging 21-25yos when you’re in late 20s/30s?
so I’m 28 on my last year of college (had some life shit happen inbetween + surgery etc etc is what it is). Normally hasn’t been much of an issue for...... [more]

18h ago 2024-05-15 16:16:16 Ask TRP Forum

I have the opposite experience. I look at least 7 years younger than I am, and when they find out, they are even more attracted. I'm 30 and still get fuck me eyes from young chicks. A milf I met on vacation last summer though I was underage lmaoo. A retard clerk almost called the cops on me thinking I used a fake id to buy alcohol when I was in US..

In your example, it's just a case of cockblock. Don't give a fuck about OLD. If you get more matches, set whatever age you want. When she asks about it, tell her to guess. It's all about your SMV.

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Reply To enterim - Mindset problems with non exclusiveness
I have a problem. As soon as I know that a woman is having sex with other guys, she's completely uninteresting to me and it really turns me off. But, especially...... [more]

18h ago 2024-05-15 15:56:44 Ask TRP Forum

I personally don't like when they're seeing other guys, although i suppose my biggest problem with them doing it is every girl I've been banging who did it completely lied about it or withheld it from me. More than half of them unsolicited told me I was the only one without me asking

I've never had a plate or FWB be honest about it so I've never been able to process being mature about non-exclusivity. I've never been able to sit there and just contemplate the sharing aspect of plates since plates are by definition just for sex

As a result I'm very biased, no woman has ever given me any kind of healthy non-exclusivity so just leave them as soon as I'm aware of what they are doing. It turns me off well above and beyond the mere fact they're seeing another guy because it's always been deceptive in my experience

That being said you're losing interest for completely healthy evolutionary reasons. Men are evolutionariy geared to avoid situations in which there could be paternity uncertainty. Your loss of interest is a completely healthy male evolutionary function

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18h ago Ask TRP Forum

Mindset problems with non exclusiveness

I have a problem. As soon as I know that a woman is having sex with other guys, she's completely uninteresting to me and it really turns me off.

But, especially when it comes to simply having several women as "plates" and communicating this openly, it causes problems.

How is it with you? Do you really not care if a woman you're having sex with also has sex with other guys? How do I get to this point?

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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18h ago Ask TRP Forum

Banging 21-25yos when you’re in late 20s/30s?

so I’m 28 on my last year of college (had some life shit happen inbetween + surgery etc etc is what it is).

Normally hasn’t been much of an issue for me but last week go to the bars w my friends. Towards end of night this one chick started gravitating towards me and wanted to leave w me; her friend (who is literally friends w some of us and was talking to me earlier) pulls her back “ew stop he’s 28” and it was RIP -____-

On one end I get it; I’m 28 def not supposed to be in college still. And next year when I finally grad and go off into the real world it’ll be completely irrelevant (and lowkey prob in my favor). I also don’t look anywhere near my age esp when I shave.

Any tips on navigating this kinda shit? Even tinder or OLD if I set my age to say 22 or 23 (and put “not 22/23” in my bio) same pics will get hundreds and hundreds of matches; whereas if I list my actual age I’ll get like 2-3 matches and the chicks available to swipe on are all crusty hoes.

I’m in a college town in a flyover state.

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19h ago  The Hub

@Chantfire Now you owe me 20 Chadcoin

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Reply To whytehorse2021 - Automated ban lists and companies sharing them
So, apparently the woke mind virus people are going around and identifying specific individuals and targeting them for cancellation. I just got an email from Hinge saying I've been banned....... [more]

19h ago 2024-05-15 14:52:01 TheRedPill Forum

let's make a list of bad companies - like that shit one banning redpill antivirus company - what was that? mc affee? have no idea, do you remember?

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