3y ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed Yeah man, empathic understanding is huge.

Like, I don't quite know how to put it, but putting aside my own stuff and learning more about others and having understanding makes for much better connections.

And ultimately, most people's innate nature is good.

To me, part of being a man is growing up and realising where all your unmet childhood needs manifest as an adult. It's working out that women are not here to be your mother, or give you the acceptance, validation and bluepill fantasy which is really just co-dependence.

Be self assured, self reliant, fill yourself from within and enjoy connecting with others for who and what they are.

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3y ago  The Hub


Oh, love your last paragraph.

Yeah, to me the more I learn about humans and psychology, especially since I work in helping others grow and learn so am working on their 'stuff', it opens up awesome conversation.

You gotta remember, though, the majority of the manosphere aren't the healthiest guys.

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3y ago  The Hub


Yeah, I agree totally.

I really like that guy, too. I was already subscribed to him. .

What is interesting is following the pattern in his narrative. .

Women's changing subjective reality, leads to the world being all pixels, leads to him ending up in the 'void'.

This tells me he may have had way too high emotional expectations on women.

To me, this is a different in red pill vs black pill vs Mgtow sort of shit.

For myself, understanding more about human nature and especially female nature simply makes life more interesting. Actually, a lot of it just makes simple healthy sense to me. Humans have layers of nuanced natures. Being co-dependent, overly emotionally invested in women, seeking the blue pill fantasy of 'omg, she said she totally loves me, I have finally succeeded' is just unhealthy. It's not reality and it's more a problem in the man than the rest of the world.

Red Pill men might say 'awesome, I understand the world a little better, let's get to navigating it in a much more enjoyable way'.

MGTOW and blackpill are like 'Oh fuck, I understand women and now my life is totally pointless'.

Notice also how this guy subtly suggests simply living requires a suspension of disbelief and everything is just a narrative to motivate yourself? Total horseshit. As I said, life is still enjoyable if you play it right.

'People say they go to the gym for all these good reasons, but it's really just for vanity's sake' - this tells me everything I need about the narrator's underlying problems.

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3y ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed Good clip. All the stuff about women's reality changing from moment to moment is true.

I don't believe in 'the void', though. There is something about that which makes me think you'd only reach 'the void' if previously all your hopes and dreams and reason for living were based around blue pill fantasies of women.

Once you get your head more adjusted to the reality of female nature there is still plenty to motivate you.

I really hate MGTOW shit, because so often I see a bunch of co-dependent guys whose whole life is miserable because women didn't turn out to be the solution to all their un-met childhood needs.

3y ago  The Hub


It's a tricky balance with the 'ego' stuff.

If it's a genuine need to put on the cocky, arrogant over-confident stuff and then that's often fear and insecurity.

Narcs and shits do a lot of that because they don't have capacity so self-regulate and self-produce feelings of worth, self-validation, self-acceptance etc.

They put on all of that front because they need the world to view them a certain way, but underneath is feat and deep insecurity.

I say it because it's important to question if we're putting on that stuff for women or something else?

True confidence, self-acceptance, self-worth etc doesn't need to show it off.

2 2 69 fcks
3y ago  The Hub

@elyjos Top of the food chain, bro.

3y ago  The Hub


Yeah, either way dudes are getting their life advice from Reddit strangers.

My advice would be to do both. There is the macro issue of where you live and needing to get the fuck out.

There is the micro issue of being fit, healthy, having strength etc.

Both are important, imo.

Lifting heavy shit is a masculine pursuit. It will not solve all, not by a long shot, but it is a highly beneficial part of the picture.

3y ago  The Hub

@destraht Oh, absolutely bro.

What we're talking about is sort of two different things.

On one hand, there is the advice of 'lift like your life depends on it' in the context of red-pill.

Then there is lifting as just its own thing.

I agree with you whole-heartedly on the criticism of lifting as a 'be-all-end-all' sort of advice.

In terms of women, yes it will help. Especially if you're starting out an ultra-skinny or ultra-fat motherfucker.

Actually, it points out a lot of generally toxic psychology that can surround ifting in general. Dudes need to be aware if it's really just a long-haul effort to seek approval, validation and acceptance.

As you said, lifting won't fix major problems in your life. It also won't teach anything of the subtlety, nuance and ambiguity of women. I know tons of guys who are jacked and do terribly with girls, or get very low value girsl, because they have no idea of all the nuance of commmunication with females.

I try to keep it in its right place for me. It's an awesome hobby. I really enjoy learning about muscles, finding different exercises, seeing parts grow, and it's a really enoyable couple of hours of movement and meditation between sets. I also enjoy being natural. Not buying into the dudes who desperately want to get jacked, so they start injecting all sorts of shit.

In terms of everything else you've said, totally agree. I wouldn't live in America if you fucking paid me. Give me a choice to be ultra jacked in America or just decent in Australia and I'll take here any day.

America looks goddamn awful.

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3y ago  The Hub


Damn, that was a long ass self-reassurance that it's ok to not be jacked.

Of course, doing anything just because it will get you laid more is pretty sad.

In essence, do whatever you like.

Lifting is more like a hobby for me now. When guys let go of lifting for pussy there are many other benefits.

But yeah, if you don't feel the need to do it, all good.

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3y ago  The Hub

@Fawk_Face As long as she's not full retard it's all good.

Never go full retard.

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