1y ago  The Hub

@chadinthemaking69 good God I felt this.

So true. So so true.

1y ago  The Hub

@fumbor If a girl is into you you wont need to escalate.

Something is missing. Women will screw homeless men in alleys. So I'm not sure why you can't get a date.

my past boyfriend was a bum, not driven, emotional abuser, etc

And they'll run back to him in a heartbeat.

I've always tried to be the dude that's respectful

They don't want respect. They say they do but they don't. Women don't respect being respected.

They girls you are going after respect the bums and abusers. They just told you that.

2 1
1y ago  The Hub

@fumbor bro, game is everything.

Top % doesn't mean shit if you ain't doing nothing with it

1y ago  The Hub

@drake sick burn bro

1y ago  The Hub

@RedPirate751 De La Soul song

1y ago  The Hub

@Ill_Will7 no. Funbar wasn't the debt free virgin guy. Funbar was the perfect 10 guy.

The debt free virgin in the church was someone else.

1y ago  5th Generation War

@carnold03 so we go back to "best suited for the job"?

1y ago  The Hub

@carnold03 oh no. It's so long ago it doesn't matter. It's just such an embarrassing terrible story.

1y ago  5th Generation War

@TiberiusBravo87 he wants folks wanting to work so yeah. I thought he had businesses in TX?

1y ago  The Hub

@Whisper tldr: women will tell you what they think sounds good.

The line we draw for you isn't the line for the next guy.

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