1y ago  The Hub

I have a real edgy style of humor which I can’t use for pickup. What’s a way of developing a humor better for initial impressions

1y ago  The Hub


I’m trying to be a himbo, but I’m just too smart. How can I dumb myself down?

Don't think, just do, drink Rum, wear condoms, and always carry a knife. Sure, pack heat if you wanna, but always carry a knife.

1y ago  The Hub


Stop treating interactions as opportunities to improve and to be acknowledged as "intelligent". You should treat yourself as a finished product, and enjoy life with your subcortical brain, i.e. the "himbo" brain.

1y ago  The Hub

I’m trying to be a himbo, but I’m just too smart. How can I dumb myself down?

1y ago  The Hub

@Jzekyll OLD is a numbers game. Some platforms I was lucky to get 1-5% response at All to my initial contact. I had a pretty good track record of converting conversations into dates and sex. There's just a lot of churn through members of each platform you have to work your way through.

If you're not seeing 1% returns absolutely change up your methods and try a-b testing different stuff concurrently.

Women get a tsunami of very mixed attention on these platforms and establishing comfort and security are especially important to get your ad on the short list of ones she responds to at all.

I used OLD successfully since the dial up days, I'll be glad to help made it work for you.

1y ago  The Hub

I have had more women ask me for my number than I have asked women for theirs yet I can barely get any matches on dating apps. What do

1y ago  The Beer Hall


Women these days literally only need men for sex and resources, and they’re able to get both from men without relationships. And they only need men who can make them orgasm, which comes down to facial attractiveness and dick size. Hence why she’ll either fuck Chad or Tyrone.

"Cry Baby."

1y ago  The Beer Hall

Women these days literally only need men for sex and resources, and they’re able to get both from men without relationships. And they only need men who can make them orgasm, which comes down to facial attractiveness and dick size. Hence why she’ll either fuck Chad or Tyrone.

2 2,101 vcards
1y ago  The Beer Hall


I can never get thrm to talk to me about themselves. That’s what they talk about with guys they’re into.

I've got to agree with @chadinthemaking69 here. You're going to have to help us out and let us know what you are doing regarding your situation and what obstacles you actually face, not just what isn't working as we spitball suggestions. That'll give us a better understanding your situation.

1y ago  The Beer Hall

@carnold03 I can never get thrm to talk to me about themselves. That’s what they talk about with guys they’re into.

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